Author: Chinese National Committee for the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Language: English
Published on: 1999-01
1. Research on Volcanology
2. Basement Tectonics of Volcanic Rock and Volcanic-Intrusion Related to Mineralization of Coastal Area of Southeast China
3. Volcanic Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast China Continent
4. The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Mesozoic Volcanic Rocks in East China
5. Progress in Mantle Geochemistry Research
6. Xenolith Constraints on Mantle Processes and Lithospheric Evolution in Eastern China
7. Structure and Composition of the Continental Crust in Eastern China
8. The Advance of Experimental Geochemistry in China during the past four Years (1995-1998)
Language: English
Published on: 1999-01
1. Research on Volcanology
2. Basement Tectonics of Volcanic Rock and Volcanic-Intrusion Related to Mineralization of Coastal Area of Southeast China
3. Volcanic Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast China Continent
4. The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Mesozoic Volcanic Rocks in East China
5. Progress in Mantle Geochemistry Research
6. Xenolith Constraints on Mantle Processes and Lithospheric Evolution in Eastern China
7. Structure and Composition of the Continental Crust in Eastern China
8. The Advance of Experimental Geochemistry in China during the past four Years (1995-1998)