Author: Zhang Yijun & Li Jianying
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 7801086171
Published on: 2002-01
After the founding of the people’s Republic of China, the US Government “watched” for a short period of time before following a “no-recognition” policy for more than 20 years, in late 1960s, when great changes took place in the world situation, both governments of China and the United States readjusted their diplomatic policies, including the policies on bilateral relations, and decided to improve the mutual relationship. They began to test and contact each other.
Chapter I: Breaking the Ice
Chapter II: Formal Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations
Chapter III: Developing Forward
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 7801086171
Published on: 2002-01
After the founding of the people’s Republic of China, the US Government “watched” for a short period of time before following a “no-recognition” policy for more than 20 years, in late 1960s, when great changes took place in the world situation, both governments of China and the United States readjusted their diplomatic policies, including the policies on bilateral relations, and decided to improve the mutual relationship. They began to test and contact each other.
Chapter I: Breaking the Ice
Chapter II: Formal Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations
Chapter III: Developing Forward