A Study of The Lateral-line Canals System and That of Lirenzini Ampullae And Tubules Of Elasmobranchiate Fishes Of China


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Author: Yuanting T.Chu & Meng Ching Wen
Language: Chinese with English summary
Published on: 1980-01

We select 73 species of Chinese Elasmobranchiate fishes, having broadly representative quality, belonging to 46 Genera, 30 Families, 22 Suborders,13 Orders and 2 Subclasses,and make careful observations and investigations on their lateral-line canals and Lorenzini ampullae and tubules systems. These two systems are all derived from the skin and have intimate relationships, but each has its own independent existence and different morphological modifications and characteristics. We propose to study these two systems together, with a view that each will be complementary to the other, so as to make the results obtained more reliable and reasonable. In the lateral-line canals system, emphases are placed to distribution, route, branching, curvature and severance of lateral lines, as well as appearance, development, specialization or degeneration of certain canals. In the system of Lorenzini ampullae and tubules, particular attentions are paid to appearance and disappearance, development, differentiation, degeneration, reappearance and other phenomena of Lorenzini ampullae and tubules in certain species. Basing on numerous modifications and characters presented by those two systems in different groups of taxa, we try to trace the intimate interrelationships among morphology, ecology, classifications and evolution of Elasmobranchiate fishes of China. Furthermore, we readjust the classification positions of certain forms and establish some new classificatory groups of taxa. Utilizing the characters offered by those systems we have prepared synopses

(1) of Families and higher taxa,
(2) of representative Genera of a Family and
(3)representative species of a Genus.

Finally, basing on those rich and reliable characters of these two systems and at the same time by making references to paleontological work, we try to find clues of the geological and systematic evolution of Chinese Elasmobranchiate fishes. By consultation of different schemes of classification of Elasmobranchiate fishes by different authors, we attempt to present a scheme of new classification of our own.

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