A study on the Classification of the Sciaenoid Fishes of China, with Description of New Genera and Species (Used)


Price: $53.00


Author: Chu Yuan-ting et al.
Language: Chinese, English summary and Latin names index
Published on: 1964-01

This paper deals with the taxonomy of the sciaenoid fishes of China. The system of classification is based mainly on comparative anatomy of the air-bladder and the otolith, as well as such external characters as the mouth structure and mental pores, etc. the important contents of the present paper are summarized as follows:
At present 7 subfamilies, 13 genera and 37 species of Sciaenidae have been known in China. They include 4 new subfamilies (Megalonibea and Atrobucca), 4 new species (Johnius fasciatus, Nibea semifasciata, Nibea miichthioides and Megalonibea fusca)and 1 species emended (Atrobucca nibe). A critical review is made on the literature and history of the study of the sciaenoid fishes, particularly with reference to more than 30 publications regarding the Chinese sciaenids.

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