Language: English
Published on: 1999-01
1. Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Materials and Systems (MS01)
2. Computational Electro-Magneto-Fluid-Dynamics (MS03)
3. finite Element Method and Structure-Preserving Algorithm (MS04)
4. Shape and Topology Optimization (MS06)
5. Meshfree and Extended/Fictitious FEM Methods (MS07)
6. Large Scale Coupled Problems and Related Topics (MS08)
7. Computational Dynamics and Multibody Systems Analysis (MS10)
8. Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics (MS11)
9. Computational Methods in Nonlinear Dynamics (MS12)
10. Structural Dynamics, Acoustics, Human Dynamics and Its Engineering Applications (MS13)
11. Evolutionary Computation for Engineering Optimization and Grid Environment (MS14)
12. Computer Mechanics on Automobile Engineering (MS15)
13. Computational Mechanics for Electronic Materials, Electronic Devices and Electronic Packaging (MS16)
14. Virtual Tribology (MS17)
15. Fracture Mechanics Problems (MS18)
16. Interface Capturing and Fluid-Structure Interaction in Cartesian-Based Grid System (MS20)
17. Least-squares Finite Element Method (MS21)
18. DNS of Turbulence and Turbulent Combustion (MS22)
19. Nanomechanics and Multi-Scale Simulation of Multi-Physics (MS23)
20. Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Theory and Applications (MS26)
21. Fast Boundary Element Methods (MS27)
22. Meshless Methods (MS28)
23. Computational Biomechanics (MS29)
24. Challenge of Multi-phase Flow Simulation Technique (MS30)
25. New and Improved Techniques in CFD and Their Applications (MS31)
26. Computational Modeling for Advanced Materials and Structures (MS33)
27. Computational Bifurcation Analysis of Solids and Structures (MS34)
28. Computational Geotechnics (MS37)
29. Simulation of Manufacturing Processes (MS39)
30. Wellbore Mechanics (MS40)
31. Multi-Physics Simulation in Computational Fluid Dynamics (MS42)
32. Computational Physics in Molecule System to Macro-continuum (MS43)
33. Stabilization Techniques and Multiscale Methods in Solid Mechanics (MS44)
34. Multi-scale Computation (MS46)
35. Computational Micromechanics of Hard Biological Materials (MS48)
36. Scaled Boundary Finite-Element Method (MS49)
37. Trefftz Method-Finite Element and Boundary Formulations (MS50)
38. Effective Modeling of Local Fields (MS52)
39. Soft Computing in Civil and Mechanical Engineering and Building Science (ms53)
40. Computational Crack Path Prediction (MS54)
41. Computational Mechanics in Railway Technology (MS55)
42. Advanced Flow Simulation and Modeling (MS57)
43. Recent Advances in Fluid-Solid-Structure Interaction (MS58)
44. Computational Techniques for Problems with Moving Boundaries and Interfaces (Ms59)
45. RBF-based Meshfree Methods (MS60)
46. Treatment of Singularities (MS61)
47. Information Technology for Management of Infrastructure
48. Computational Geomechanics and Environmental Mechanics with Coupled Problems (MS63)
49. Advances in Computational Tire Mechanics (MS64)
50. Computational Methods in Materials Characterization (MS66)
51. BEM/BIEM for Smart Materials, Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) and Nanomaterials (MS67)
52. Non-traditional Boundary Integral Formulations (MS69)
53. Inverse Problems (MS71)
54. Mechanics of Nanostructures (MS72)
55. Postbuckling and Postyielding Behaviour of Structrues (MS74)
56. Symplectic Methods in Electromagnetic Analysis (MS75)
57. Design Analysis and Optimization of Structures with Uncertainties (MS76)
58. New Developments of Structural Topology Optimization (MS77)
59. Methods and Applications of Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization (MS78)
60. Random Vibration and Engineering Applications (MS79)
61. Nanomechanics of Interfaces (MS80)
62. Stability Behavior of Thin-Walled Structures (MS82)
63. Advanced Computational Methods for Shells (MS84)
64. Advanced Engineering Computation in Geomechanics (MS86)
65. Multi-scale Computational Methods for Composite Materials and Structures (MS87)
66. Equilibrium Models in Structural Mechanics (MS88)
67. Error-controlled Adaptivity of Mathematical Models and Finite Element Approxinmations with Applications to Applied Mechanics (MS89)
68. Roles of Computational Mechanics in Forming (MS91)
69. Verification and Validation in Computational Solid Mechanics (MS92)
70. Multiple Variable Finite Element Methods and High Performance Finite Element Methods (MS93)
71. Numerical Methods Applicable to Historical Buildings (MS95)
72. Numerical Simulation of Material Processing (MS96)
73. Computing Methods (ANN, CFD) Applicable to Building and Environmental Engineering (MS99)
74. Special Finite Element Methods in Solid Mechanics (MS100)
75. Stabilized and Multiscale Finite Element Methods (MS101)
76. Recent Developments in Robust Numeical Methods for Singular Perturbation Problems (MS103)
77. Advanced Computational Methods for Simulation and Design of Structural and Material Systems (MS104)
78. Mechanics of Asphalt Concrete (MS105)
79. New Computational Technologies for Model of Mechanical Properties of Atomic and Molecular Mesoscopic Systems (MS107)
80. Computational Methods in Cardiovascular Bioengineering (MS108)
81. Optimisation for Buckling (MS109)
82. Immersed Finite Elemetn and Boundary Methods for Fluid-Structure Interactions (MS110)
83. Addendum
1. Computational Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods
2. High performance finite elements and their applications
3. Boundary elements methods and fast multipole boundary element method
4. Meshless methods
5. Neural networks and soft computing in computational mechanics
6. Differential quadrature, generalized methods and related discrete element analysis methods
7. Computational Fluid Mechanics
8. Advances and challenges in flow simulation and modeling
9. Computational biofluiddynamics
10. Direct and large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows
11. Computational Solid and Structural Mechanics
12. Computational modeling of shells
13. Direct (non time-strpping) methods for limit state structural analysis
14. Computational procedure in probabilistic structural analysis
15. Structural stability
16. Structural dynamics
17. Contact problems
18. Structural control
19. Laminated structure members
20. Numerical Simulation of Solid Materials
21. Computational fracture mechanics
22. Computational damage mechanics
23. Computational dynamic failure and fracture
24. Material modeling at various length scale
25. Computational modeling of particulates and multi-fracturing solids
26. Computational adaptive materials systems, structures and smart materials
27. Computational materials mechanics from atomistic simulation to continuum mechanics
28. Numerical simulation of composite materials
29. Fluid-Structure Interaction and Coupled problems
30. Fluid-structure interaction
31. Stricture-soil interaction
32. Computational Heat Transfer
33. Computational Nonlinear Dynamics
34. Computational methods for chaotic engineering systems
35. Computer Modeling of Multidisciplinary Topics in Sciences
36. Computational bio-sciences and biomechanics
37. Computational geomechanics and geotechniques
38. Computational engineering sciences and physics
39. Computational Mechanics in Advanced Technology
40. Computational Inverse Problems and Optimization
41. Multi-disciplinary optimization
42. Evolutionary algorithms in structural optimization
43. Algorithm, Software Development and High Performance Computing
44. CAD, CAM and CAE
45. Parallel computing
46. Computational Engineering
47. Computational methods in stochastic mechanics and reliability analysis
48. Structural health-monitoring
49. Computer simulation of processes and manufacturing
50. Computational NDE and wave propagation
51. Computational methods in turbomachinery
52. Industrial simulation of metal forming processes
53. High performance fracture approach to fatigue crack analysis and life prediction
54. Building and Construction