Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 7030055322
Published on: 1996-01
Book contains 28 independent papers written by author from more than ten geoscience institutions under the Chinese Acadeny of Sciences, engaged in research and teaching of geoscience. The majority of the authors are young scientists. the papers were selected and recommended initialy by the respective institutions and then accepted after critical reviews. The scope of the papers covers a wide spectrum of the frontier fields in modern solid earth sciences, including continental dynamics, environmental geology, geology of mineral and energy resources and novel methods and new sciences in China. Many new opinions, new discoveries and new methods are introduced and discussed in the readers will gain a close-up look of the state-of -the-art in solid earth science in China.
Continental Dynamics
1.Squeeze-up of the Dabie UHP rocks: an extrusive exhumation model
2.Orogenic processes of the Qinling
3.Geophysical/geological features of the Nansha block in southern South China Sea and their tectonic implications
4.Conventional U-Pb age of the high-grade metamorphic rocks in the Zhejiang foreland fold and thrust belt in SE China
5.Structural styles of the NW Zhejiang foreland fold and thrust belt in SE China
6.Relationship between wave velocity and physical property of porous mediums
7.The crust-mantle transition zone and its geological processes
8.Pre-melting effects of ice
Environmental Geology
9.Correlation of climatic periodicities between loess and deep sea records in the past 2.5Ma
10.Microtektites in 0.7 Ma B.P. loess and geochemistry of the microtektite-bearing layers
11.A preliminary study of vegetation history since Pliocene in Xizang
12.Famennian calcareous algal mound at Zhaijiang, Guilin, South China
13.Biostratigraphy and sedimentary environments of Carboniferous-Permian boundary section of western Yunnan
14.Antitropicality of the Mesozoic bivalves
15.Quaternary environmental changes as recorded China Sea
16.Unloading characteristics of rock mass in shiplock slope of Three Gorge project, China
17.Basic experimental research on earthquake prediction by remote sensing technique
18.C, O and Sr Isotopic variations of early Paleozoic strata in Kalpin area, Xinjiang
19.Neoproterozoic fossil records of algae and orgaic-walled microphytoplankton in China
Mineral and Energy Resources
20.Argon and hydrogen diffusion compensation in natural minerals
21.The FixA1 method applied to Zhangzhou geothermal system, Southeast China
22.Geochemistry of Shaxi-Changpushan porphyry copper (gold) deposit from Anhui Province, East China
23.Geochemistry and metallogenetic model of Dongping type gold deposit related to alkalisyenite
24.The distribution of trace elements in solid bitumen and crude oil in China
25.295i and 27A1 MAS NMR study of the kaolinite-mullite reaction series
26.Fluid inclusion and stable isotope evidence for the origin of mineralizing fluids in the Xiongershan belt, central China
27.Analysis of remote sensing imagery for the search of large and superlarge ore deposits
28.A sedimentary spectrum of Mn, P, Ba and Fe deposits under anoxic environments