Language: Chinese, Latin name
ISBN/ISSN: 9787030225504
Published on: 2008-01
Plant macroremains (mainly seeds and fruits) have long been known to be present abundantly in many archaeological sites in China. Systematic studies on these plant remains may provide a valuable insight into prehistoric agriculture and environment background. However, archaeobotany, as a new research area, is still not familiar to many archaeologists and even botanists in China. In this book, the methods of studying plant macroremains in archaeological sites are systematically described
In chapter 1, we will give a brief introduction of archaeolbotany, including the definition of archaeobotany The basic methods of studying plant macroremains will be introduced in Chapter 2. These methods include soil sampling, storage, drying, and flotation during and after archaeological excavations, seeds identification from other carbonized materials and sorting in the laboratory. Some pictures are provided along with these descriptions. Also, qualitative and quantitative statistic methods as well as the interpretation and presentation of archaeobotanic data are introduced. Chapter 3 focuses on the identification of seeds and fruits. The identification standards of seeds and fruits are introduced based on botanic sciences. The plants from which the seeds and fruits to be identified include those some important native and cultivated plats of China in prehistory and those easily mixed with important economic plants such as wild rice. In addition to the descriptions, color pictures and key to species of modern seeds and fruits are given, which can be used to guide the guide the identification of archaeological plant remains. In order to help the readers obtain the botanic information right after the identification, a brief introduction of habit, geographical distribution, environment, economic value and the archaeological implications are discussed. In Chapter 4, by systematically collecting archaeobotanic materials from published literature, prehistoric subsistence and the environment background in China are discussed with examples.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.Definition of Archaeobotany
2.Methods of Archaeobotany
3.Over view of Archaeobotanical studies in China
Chapter 2 Basic methods for plant macroremains studies
1.Plant macroremains and its classification
2.Field Sampling
4.Pretreatments and identification of plant remains
5.Data analysis and interpretation
Chapter 3 Identification of seeds and fruits and analysis of environment
1.Methods to the identification of seeds and fruits remains
2.Key to species of modern seeds and fruits
3.Morphological description to species of modern seeds and fruits
Chapter 4 Archaeobotanical studies in China
1.Plant macroremains and prehistoric agriculture
2.Plant macroremains and implication for past environments
Glossary of seeds and fruits morphology
Index in Chinese
Index in Latin
Index in English
List of coloured plate of seeds and fruits
List of seeds and fruits remains (selected)
Coloured plates of modern seeds and fruits
Coloured Plates of seeds and fruits remains (selected)