Atlas of Aquatic Viruses and Viral Diseases


Price: $86.00


Author: Zhang Qiya & Gui Jianfang
Language: Chinese and English bilingual
ISBN/ISSN: 9787030356437
Published on: 2012-10

Atlas of Aquatic Viruses and Viral Diseases. Aquatic virology is the studies on viruses that infect aquatic organisms or exist in water environment. This book emanates from the authors’ accumulation of original researches, and characterizes as both a monograph and an atlas. About 800images or plates are selected from more than ten thousands, and about 200of them is full of colour. They are set into 6section, including viral disease symptoms of aquatic organisms and techniques in aquatic virology, viruses in aquatic mammals, viruses in reptiles, viruses in amphibians, viruses in fish and shrimp, and freshwater virioplankton, which are further divided into 23 chapters. The viral disease symptoms of aquatic organisms, pathological changes of host tissues and cells, as well as ultrastructure morphology, gene organization and protein localization of aquatic viruses are directly displayed by the clear images and the concise legends of Chinese and English languages.
This book is designed for the related students and researchers, and it should be a reference book in the libraries of universities, colleges and research institutes in which there are virology, hydrobiology and environmental sciences, etc.

Section1 Viral disease symptoms of aquatic organisms and techniques in aquatic virology
Chapter1. Viral disease symptoms in several aquatic organisms
Chapter2. Cell and tissue culture in aquatic animals
Chapter3. Preparation and application of monoclonal antibodies against fish viruses
Chapter4. Detection of aquatic viruses
Section2 Viruses in aquatic mammals
Chapter5. Finless porpoise herpes-like virus
Section3 Viruses in reptiles
Chapter6. Trionyx sinensis virus
Section4 Viruses in amphibians
Chapter7. Rana grylio virus
Chapter8. Chinese giant salamander virus-like particle
Section5 Viruses in fish and shrimp
Chapter 9 Chinese sturgeon virus-like particles
Chapter10 Chinese sucker rhabdovirus
Chapter11 Flounder lymphocystis disease virus and orthomyxo-like virus particle
Chapter12 Paralichthys olivaceus rhabdovirus and birnavirus
Chapter13 Grass carp reovirus
Chapter14 Mandarin fish spherical virus and rhabdovirus
Chapter15 Micropterus salmonides reovirus
Chapter16 Spring viremia of carp virus
Chapter17 Monopterus albus spherical virus and rhabdovirus
Chapter18 Turbot rhabdovirus and reovirus
Chapter19 Shrimp baculovirus
Section6 Freshwater virioplankton
Chapter20 Diversity of virioplankton
Chapter21 Planktothrix agardhii virus isolated from Lake Donghu
Chapter22 Anabaena spirioides virus-like particles
Chapter23 Microcystis aeruginosa spherical virus-like particle and tailed-cyanophage

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