Atlas of the Traditional Vegetables in China

Price: $66.00


Author: The Editorial Committee
Language: English
Published on: 2001-01

China in one of the countries that has the richest plant resources .The plant resources in China consist of more than 400 families, over 3100 genera and about 30000 species of different plants. Stretching from frigid, temperate to tropical zone, China's vast area, mostly between 18oN and 54oN latitudes, accommodates great diversity. The geographical conditions within China also vary greatly and further contribute to the considerable environmental diversity. In terms of elevation, plants grow in areas ranging from the highest land in the world, i.e. Qinghai-Tibet plateau, to 150 meters below the sea level, which is evidence of the rich diversity. The numerous economic values always play an important role in human civilization in China and even in the world. Edible plants including vegetables are indispensable for human subsistence.


1. Chinese Cabbages and Mustards
2. Root Vegetables
3. Stem Vegetables
4. Leguminous Vegetables
5. Solanaceous Vegetables
6. Cucurbit Vegetables
7. Allium Vegetables
8. Leafy and Flowering Vegetables
9. Aquatic Vegetables
12.Appendix 1 Index for Latin Names
13.Appendix 2 Index for English and Chinese Names
14.Appendix 3 Listing of Vegetable Species in Botanical Families
15.Appendix 4 Medicinal Content in Certain Vegetables
16.Appendix 5 Nutritional Content in Certain Vegetables

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