Building a New Silk Road:China and the Middle East in the 21st Century


Price: $16.00


Author: Edited by Sun Degang & Yahia H.ZOUBIR
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787501246786
2014-07;  Paperback

Building a New Silk Road:China and the Middle East in the 21st Century  This book volume aims to investigate the evolving China's diplomacy towards the Middle East from interdisciplinary and multidimensional perspectives.Fifteen articles have been selected from the latest academic journals,including the Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia),Bustan:The Israeli Boo Review,etc.The author have divergent backgrounds,ranging fromresearch fellows,professors,ambassadors and others offering diverse observations of China's Middle East diplomacy and its transformation .The volume covers an Introduction and five Sections. 

SUNDegang&YahiaH ZOUBIR 
China’s Middle East Studies in Retrospect and Prospect 
China and the Middle East Revolts 
The Upheaval in the Middle East and 
China’S Middle East Policy 
YANG Fuchang 
China and the Arab Revolts 
China’S Middle East Policy toward the Arab Revolution 
Political Unrest in the Middle East and China’S Response 
LiuU Zhongmin 
China’S Emerging Role in the New Arab World 
China’S Political and Security Ties with the Middle East 
On the Strategic Relationship between China and 
the Middle East Islamic Countries 
Zhu Weilie 
China’S Strategic Option:Approach the Greater Middle East 
through the Eurasian Hinterland 
Zhang Xiaodong 
The China—Arab States Cooperation Forum: 
Achievements,Challenges and Prospects 
Mohammed Numall JALAL 
China’S Economic and Trade Ties with the Middle East 
The Oil Politics&Geopolitical Risks with China’S 
“Going Global”Strategy toward the Greater Middle East 
Wu Lei 
Exploring Economic Relations between China and 
the GCC States 
Sino—Arab Economic and Trade Cooperation: 
Old Question.New 11ask 
Qian Xuewen 
China’S Social and Cultural Ties with the Middle East 
The Economic and Trade Factors in China’S National Image 
in the Arab Countries 
Zhang Hong&Liu Xinlu 
The Rise of GCC’S Soft Power and China,S Cultural 
Ma Lirong 
International Competition for Discourse Power 
in the Middle East Upheaval and Implications for China 
Li Weijian 
About the Authors 

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