Carboniferous Boundaries in China

Price: $47.00


Author: Wang Chengyuan
Language: English
1987; Hardcover;185x260mm;180 pages +24 plates

This publication is a collection of papers contributed to 11th international Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geolgoy to be held in Beijing from august 31 to September 5, 1987.
The collection reflects the updating knowledge and achievement on the study of the Carboniferous boundaries in China. It contains 13 papers dealing with both the correlation of the boundary beds in different facies in China and the intercontinental correlation. A desirable stratotype section for the Devonian Carboniferous boundary and two potential mid Carboniferous boundary stratotype sections are proposed respectively in this collection. The biostratigraphical standard demarking the carboniferous Permian boundary is also discussed.

This collection aims at providing th ebroad readers with important information about the progress in the recent study of the Carboniferous boundaries in China. It is of benefit to international scientific exchange in the field of geology, especially in biostratigraphy.


1. Preface
2. Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary in South China
3. A Desirable Section for th eDevonian-Carboniferous Boundary Stratotype in Guilin, Guangxi, South China
4. Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary Sections in Yishan Area, Guangxi
5. New Proposal for an International Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary
6. Problems on the Correlation of the Deconian-Carboniferous Transitional Sequences of South China: A Palaeobotanical and Palynological Review
7. New Advances of Researches on Mid-Carboniferous Boundary in China
8. A Proposed Boundary Stratotype in Jingyuan, Eastern Gansu for the Upper and Lower Carboniferous of China
9. Conodont Sequence across the Mid-Carboniferous Boundary in China and its Correlation with England and North America
10. Luosuan-A new Chronostratigraphic Unit at the Base of the Upper Carboniferous, with Reference to the Mid-Carboniferous Boundary in South China
11. Mid-Carboniferous Conodont Zones and Mid-Carboniferous Boundary of Nandan, Guangxi
12. Late Early Carboniferous to Early Late Carboniferous Brachiopods from Qixu, Nandan, Guangxi and their Palaeoecological Significance
13. Conodont Sequence Across the Carboniferous-Permian Boundary in China with Comments on the Carboniferous-Permian Boundary
14. Carboniferous-Permian Boundary in the World
15. Explanation of Plates


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