Language: Chinese
1989; Hardcover;190x270mm;872
Besides being a country of early civilization, China has also an extensive seismic history with abundant earthquake records. This book is a result of a comprehensive analysis and compilation of these historical materials. As strong earthquakes usually recur at a very Iow rate, for such countries that experience frequent earthquakes but have a relatively short history such as the United States and New Zealand, it would seem inevitable to draw on historical records from other countries, especially China, to carry out studies on characteristics of long-term fluctuations of seismicity. Therefore, this work will prove an important contribution toward seismological investigation and correlation worldwide.
This book includes three parts:
(I) A catalogue of strong earthquakes a collection of data on destructive earthquakes (M≥4 3/4)occurring in China from 1831 B.C. to 1969 A.D. Wherever possible, time of occurrence, epicentral location, magnitude, epicentral intensity and notes on destruction are given for each earthquake. Isoseismal maps, of maps of stricken areas, if possible, are also provided to show the influence and destruction of an earthquake.
(2) Provincial catalogues listing all earthquakes (M≥4) that occurred in each province as well as in the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, the South China Sea and in the nearby open sea.
(3) An appendix that. lists earthquakes of uncertain parameters, with scanty, less reliable, or doubtful background data
This Catalogue will be useful to those engaged in seismological and geophysical research and instruction, as well as in capital construction designing.
Table of Contents
1. Foreword
2. Explanatory Remarks
3. Part I: Catalogue of Strong Earthquakes
4. Part II: Catalogue of Provincial Earthquakes
5. Part III: Appendix
6. References
7. Postscript