China National Assessment Report on Risk Management and Adaptation of Climate Extremes and Disasters


Price: $103.00


Author: Dahe-Qin
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787030434852
Published on: 2015-11


Summary for Policymakers 
Ⅰ.Observed and Future Trends in Climate Extremes and Disasters in China 
Ⅱ.Disaster Risk Management Measures in China 
Ⅲ.Strategic Options for Disaster Risk Management and Adaptation in China 
Refined Edition 
Ⅰ.Climate Extremes and Disaster Risk Management: Background and Connotation 
1.1 Theory, policy and practice 
1.2 Climate change and climate extremes 
1.3 Disaster risk management and sustainable development 
Ⅱ.Characteristics, Trends.and Causes of Climate Extremes 
2.1 Characteristics of climate extremes in China 
2.2 Changes in climate extremes since the mid—20th century 
2.3 Causes of Changes in Climate Extremes 
Ⅲ.Impacts of Climate Extremes and Disasters, and Vulnerability 
3.1 Impacts of climate extremes and disasters 
3.2 Exposure and vulnerability ions affected by hazards 
3.3 Typical cases 
Ⅳ.Selection of Weather and Climate Disaster Risk Management Practices and Strategies 
4.1 National, regional and local climate risk management practices 
4.2 Integrated risk management practices in important economic and social fields 
4.3 The achievements and challenges related to weather and climate DRM 
4.4 Future trends of climate extremes and related disaster risks 
4.5 Strategic design and options

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