Author: Chinese National Committee for the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Language: English
Published on: 1995-01
The current National Report is the fourth in a series beginning in 1983. It reviews the work accomplished in China during the past four years and provides the record of Chinese contributions to geodesic and geophysicsal research. This record is intended to be a working reference for researchers, teachers, students, and administrators. This report consists of 9 papers reviewing the progrees in seismology, lithospheric structure, tectonics.
Language: English
Published on: 1995-01
The current National Report is the fourth in a series beginning in 1983. It reviews the work accomplished in China during the past four years and provides the record of Chinese contributions to geodesic and geophysicsal research. This record is intended to be a working reference for researchers, teachers, students, and administrators. This report consists of 9 papers reviewing the progrees in seismology, lithospheric structure, tectonics.