Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787508527918
2014-06; Paperback
Contemporary China's Politics《当代中国系列丛书:当代中国政治(英)》内容简介:中国在经历了2000多年的封建社会和100多年的半殖民地半封建社会之后,在中国共产党的领导下逐步探索并确立了中国特色社会主义民主政治发展道路。书中不仅介绍中国的基本政治制度与政治运行机制,而且介绍当代中国政治的具体实践,包括行政管理体制改革、法治中国建设、公民政治参与、反对腐败与建设廉洁政治等,体现了当代中国政治文明发展的成果。
The Socialist Democratic Political System with Chinese
The People's Congress System under the Principle
of Democratic Centralism
The Multi-party Cooperation
and Political Consultation System
under the Leadership of the Communist Party of China
The System of Regional Autonomy for Ethnic Groups
Grassroots Self-governing
and Democratic Management System
The Leadership System and Political
Operation Mechanism
The System for Collective Leadership and Division
of Responsibility
Administration Structure and Functions
Decision-making and Implementation
and Operation Mechanisms
Restriction of Power and Supervision Mechanism
Innovations in Administrative Control System
The Transformation and Correct Implementation
of Government Functions
Promotion of Law-based Administration
The Establishment and Improvement
of the Civil Service System
Transparent Governmental Affairs
and Administrative Accountability
Organization Adjustment
and Super-ministries Reform
Promoting the Rule of Law
Legislative System and Legal System in China
Safeguarding Human Rights under Legal System
Judicial System Reform
and Fair Administration of Justice
Safeguarding the Authority
of the Constitution and Promoting
the Spirit of Law
Citizens' Broad Political Participation
Multi-level Electoral System
Political Consultation and Social Negotiation
The Practice and Development of the Urban
and Rural Grassroots' Democratic Autonomy
Governing Online and Network Supervision
Anti-corruption and Building a Clean Government
Working Mechanisms for Anti-corruption
and Building a Clean Government
Legal Systems for Anti-corruption
and Upholding Integrity
Severely Punishing Corruption according to Law
Integrity Education and Culture
International Cooperation
and Exchanges on Anti-corruption