Language: Chinese
ISBN/ISSN: 9787502784041
Published on: 2012-01
Soft Cover
9月20日,在国家海洋局组织下,由国家海洋信息中心编写的《钓鱼岛——中国的固有领土》宣传册正式出版发行。 《Diaoyu Dao an Inherent Territory of China(英文版)》共分为五个部分,内容包括钓鱼岛概况、钓鱼岛自古以来就是中国的领土、日本和国际社会曾明确承认钓鱼岛属于中国、日本主张钓鱼岛主权没有历史和法理依据、中国积极宣示和坚定维护钓鱼岛主权等。宣传册以图文并茂的形式,选印了古今中外部分历史文献记载和舆图,充分说明中国最早发现、命名、利用和长期管辖钓鱼岛的历史事实,有力驳斥了日本依据“先占”原则主张钓鱼岛主权的谬论,同时指出美国和日本战后通过《旧金山合约》对钓鱼岛私相授受的行为是非法的和无效的。 宣传册用中、英、日三种文字印刷,将面向国内外广泛发行。发行宣传册的目的就是要向国内广大民众和国际社会再次阐明钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古以来属于中国固有领土的历史和法理事实。
Ⅰ General Situation of Diaoyu Dao1 Geography and environment2 Natural resourcesⅡ Diaoyu Dao has been China’s Inherent Territory since Ancient Times1 Diaoyu Dao was first discovered, named and exploited by China2 Diaoyu Dao had long been under China’ s jurisdiction3 Chinese maps prove that Diaoyu Dao belongs to China Ⅲ Japan and the International Community Recognized Diaoyu Dao as Part of China in Explicit TermsⅣ Japan’s Claim to Sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao is Totally Unfounded1 Japan’s claim to sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao on the grounds of the “preemption” principle is contradicted by the historical facts2 Backroom deals between the United States and Japan concerning Diaoyu Dao are illegal and invalidⅤ China Resolutely Claims and Safeguards Its Sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao1 China’ s determination to safeguard its sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao is unshakable2 China’ s actions to safeguard its sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao are firm and forcefulAppendix Ⅰ: Statement of the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the Baselines of the Territorial Sea of Diaoyu Dao and Its Affiliated IslandsAppendix Ⅱ: Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (December 30,1971)Appendix Ⅲ: Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (September 10,2012)