Dryland East Asia (DEA): Land Dynamics amid Social and Climate Change


Price: $54.00


Author: Chen Jiquan
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787040378191
Published on: 2013-08

Drylands in East Asia (DEA) is home to more than one billion people with an environment vulnerable to natural and anthropogenic changes. One of the critical needs in the region is to fully understand how dryland ecosystems respond to the changing climate and human activities in order to develop strategies to cope with continued climate change. This book provides the state-of-the-art knowledge and information on drylands ecosystem dynamics,changing climate, society, and land use in the region. In addition to the synthesis of the existing research and knowledge of DEA, the book provides a role model for regional ecological assessment. With a wide spectrum of contributions from experts around the globe, the book should be of interest to researchers and students both internationally and in East Asia. Lessons learned from this synthesis effort in DEA should be useful for developing climate adaptation strategies for other similar regions around the globe.

PartⅠ State and Changes in Dryland East Asia 1 
1 State and Change of Dryland East Asia (DEA) 
1.1 Geography, Demography and Economics in DEA 3 
1.2 Climate and LandUse Changes 10 
1.3 Ecosystem Production and Evapotranspiration 14 
1.4 Scientific and Societal Challenges for Adaptations in DEA 16 
References 20 
2 Dryland East Asia in Hemispheric Context 23 
2.1 Study Regions 23 
2.2 Change Analysis of Vegetated Land Surface 25 
2.3 Retrospective Trend Analysis Reveals Areas of Significant Change 26 
2.4 Vegetation Change in Three Epochs 27 
2.5 Land Cover Variation and Change 30 
2.6 Precipitation Variation and Change 34 
2.7 Conclusion 38 
References 39 
3 NEESPI and MAIRS Programs in Dryland East Asia45 
3.1 Introduction 45 
3.2 Contrast and Comparison 47 
3.2.1 The Programs 47 
3.2.2 Research Approaches 48 
3.2.3 Organization Structure 49 
3.2.4 Major Research Activities 49 
3.3 Major Findings and Achievements 50 
3.3.1 Understanding Climate Change 50 
3.3.2 Understanding Societal Consequences 51 
3.3.3 Understanding Ecosystem Impacts 53 
3.3.4 Institutional Responses to Environmental Change 54 
3.3.5 Understanding Challenges 54 
3.4 Conclusions 56 
References 57 
4 Land Use and Land Cover Change in Dryland East Asia 61 
4.1 Introduction 62 
4.2 Global Land Use Changes through Centuries 65 
4.3 LongTerm Changes in Cropland and Pastureland in DEA 66 
4.4 Recent Changes in Asian Drylands 68 
4.4.1 Rangeland Degradation and Desertification and 
Increased Cropland 68 
4.4.2 Grassland Recovery 72 
4.4.3 Reforestation/Afforestation 72 
4.5 Sahel Land Use Change 74 
References 78 
5 Urban Expansion and Environment Change in 
Dryland East Asia 81 
5.1 Introduction 81 
5.2 Study Area, Data, and Methodology 83 
5.2.1 Study Area 83 
5.2.2 Data and Methodology 85 
5.3 Findings 86 
5.3.1 Urban Expansion 87 
5.3.2 Environment Impact 90 
5.4 Case of/Jriimqi 92 
5.4.1 SpatioTemporal Change in Urumqi 92 
5.4.2 Environment Challenges of Urumqi 94 
5.5 Discussion 96 
5.5.1 Characteristics of Urbanization in Arid Regions 96 
5.5.2 SocioEconomic Factors Driving Urbanization 97 
5.6 Conclusions 99 
References 100 
6 Ecosystem Carbon Cycle under Changing Atmosphere, 
Climate and Land Use in Dryland East Asia 105 
6.1 Introduction 105 
6.2 Simulated Ecosystem Carbon Patterns in DEA 106 
6.3 Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Cycling to Atmospheric Change 110 
6.3.1 CO2 Enrichment 110 
6.3.2 Nitrogen Deposition and Its Impact on DEA Ecosystems 111 
6.4 Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Cycling to Climate Change 112 
6.4.1 Responses to Precipitation Changes 112 
6.4.2 Responses to Temperature Changes 113 
6.5 Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Cycling to Land Use and 
Land Cover Changes 114 
6.6 Interactions among Environmental Changes 115 
6.6.1 Limitation of Nitrogen Availability on CO2 Impacts 115 
Part Ⅱ Consequences151 
Part Ⅲ Solutions/Adaptations 

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