Author: Y.T.Chen and G.F.Panza & Z.L.Wu
Language: English
Published on: 2004-01
Seismic hazard, risk, and strong ground motion is one of the topics discussed during the 23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) in Saporo in 2003. Before the Assembly, some 150 abstracts were submitted to SS04 session (Seismic hazard, risk, and strong ground motion). After the exchange with SW04 (Earthquakes and Megacities) as well as other sessions, 100 poster presentations and 61 oral presentations were arranged within the SS04 framework. Totally 32 submissions have been received, with 27 papers accepted after the review. The proceedings reflect the state of the art in the field of seismic hazard, rick, and strong ground motion. 1.Seismic Hazard: Probabilistic and Empirical Approaches2.Seismic Hazard: Tectonics and Stress3.Ground Motion Evaluation and Prediction: Empirical Approach4.Ground Motion Evaluation and Prediction: Deterministic Seismic Zonation5.Towards Reduction of Earthquake Disaster
1.Seismic Hazard: Probabilistic and Empirical Approaches
(1)Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Mumbai (western India) area
(2)The background seismic gap of Xichang and its implication for seismic hazard
(3)Researches on seismic hazard assessment in Russia
(4)Contribution of the Algiers earthquake (Mw6.8) of May 21,2003 to the probabilistic seismic hazard values in northern Algeria
(5)Bootstrap and jackknife re-sampling for improving in the nonparametric seismic hazard estimation
2.Seismic Hazard: Tectonics and Stress
(1)Earthquake stress-forecasting: a new understanding of rock deformation
(2)Extensional motion in the Central Tibetan Plateau and its dynamics
(3)A structural and tectonic synthesis of parts of Archeans, Satpuras and Chhattisgarh basins around Mandala-Raipur districts, M.P.India, using gravity field data
(4)Response changes of water levels to the Chi-Chi strong earthquake and their dynamical Implications
(5)Decade-scale correlation between crustal deformation and length of day: implication to earthquake hazard estimation
(6)High-sensitive energy-active points (Hep phenomenon) of the Earth: key for further understanding of the physics of earthquakes
(7)A Matlab implementation of internal deformation field for static stress triggering Calculation
3.Ground Motion Evaluation and Prediction: Empirical Approach
(1)Evaluation of seismic hazard and design ground motions for Tashkent city
(2)Using microtremors to determine the natural frequencies of vibration for structures in Cairo City
(3)Investigation for seismic zonation of Anchorage, Alaska
(4)Stochastic Green’s function technique with phase dependent site response: Case of the Düzce Basin, Turkey
(5)Amplitude variation of earthquake ground motion with depth
(6)Assessment of site effect in Romania during intermediate depth Vrancea earthquake using different techniques
4.Ground Motion Evaluation and Prediction: Deterministic Seismic Zonation
(1)Seismic ground motion modeling and damage earthquake scenarios: A possible bridge between seismologists and seismic engineers
(2)Deterministric seismic hazard map in North China
(3)Realistic strong ground motion scenarios for seismic hazard assessment studies at the Alps-Dinarides junction
(4)Collapse ratios of buildings related to seismic velocity structure and soil amplification effect in Kobe City, Japan
5.Towards Reduction of Earthquake Disaster
(1)Study on the unfavorable strong ground motions for seismic design
(2)Global seismic risk mapping through a new approach for rapid seismic risk assessment
(3)Study on the attenuation of strong ground motion input energy with different ductility levels
(4)Earthquake prediction practice in China’s metropolitan area around Beijing
(5)Progress on earthquake rapid reporting and early warning systems in Taiwan
Language: English
Published on: 2004-01
Seismic hazard, risk, and strong ground motion is one of the topics discussed during the 23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) in Saporo in 2003. Before the Assembly, some 150 abstracts were submitted to SS04 session (Seismic hazard, risk, and strong ground motion). After the exchange with SW04 (Earthquakes and Megacities) as well as other sessions, 100 poster presentations and 61 oral presentations were arranged within the SS04 framework. Totally 32 submissions have been received, with 27 papers accepted after the review. The proceedings reflect the state of the art in the field of seismic hazard, rick, and strong ground motion. 1.Seismic Hazard: Probabilistic and Empirical Approaches2.Seismic Hazard: Tectonics and Stress3.Ground Motion Evaluation and Prediction: Empirical Approach4.Ground Motion Evaluation and Prediction: Deterministic Seismic Zonation5.Towards Reduction of Earthquake Disaster
1.Seismic Hazard: Probabilistic and Empirical Approaches
(1)Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Mumbai (western India) area
(2)The background seismic gap of Xichang and its implication for seismic hazard
(3)Researches on seismic hazard assessment in Russia
(4)Contribution of the Algiers earthquake (Mw6.8) of May 21,2003 to the probabilistic seismic hazard values in northern Algeria
(5)Bootstrap and jackknife re-sampling for improving in the nonparametric seismic hazard estimation
2.Seismic Hazard: Tectonics and Stress
(1)Earthquake stress-forecasting: a new understanding of rock deformation
(2)Extensional motion in the Central Tibetan Plateau and its dynamics
(3)A structural and tectonic synthesis of parts of Archeans, Satpuras and Chhattisgarh basins around Mandala-Raipur districts, M.P.India, using gravity field data
(4)Response changes of water levels to the Chi-Chi strong earthquake and their dynamical Implications
(5)Decade-scale correlation between crustal deformation and length of day: implication to earthquake hazard estimation
(6)High-sensitive energy-active points (Hep phenomenon) of the Earth: key for further understanding of the physics of earthquakes
(7)A Matlab implementation of internal deformation field for static stress triggering Calculation
3.Ground Motion Evaluation and Prediction: Empirical Approach
(1)Evaluation of seismic hazard and design ground motions for Tashkent city
(2)Using microtremors to determine the natural frequencies of vibration for structures in Cairo City
(3)Investigation for seismic zonation of Anchorage, Alaska
(4)Stochastic Green’s function technique with phase dependent site response: Case of the Düzce Basin, Turkey
(5)Amplitude variation of earthquake ground motion with depth
(6)Assessment of site effect in Romania during intermediate depth Vrancea earthquake using different techniques
4.Ground Motion Evaluation and Prediction: Deterministic Seismic Zonation
(1)Seismic ground motion modeling and damage earthquake scenarios: A possible bridge between seismologists and seismic engineers
(2)Deterministric seismic hazard map in North China
(3)Realistic strong ground motion scenarios for seismic hazard assessment studies at the Alps-Dinarides junction
(4)Collapse ratios of buildings related to seismic velocity structure and soil amplification effect in Kobe City, Japan
5.Towards Reduction of Earthquake Disaster
(1)Study on the unfavorable strong ground motions for seismic design
(2)Global seismic risk mapping through a new approach for rapid seismic risk assessment
(3)Study on the attenuation of strong ground motion input energy with different ductility levels
(4)Earthquake prediction practice in China’s metropolitan area around Beijing
(5)Progress on earthquake rapid reporting and early warning systems in Taiwan