Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 0306467399
Published on: 2002-01
Handbook of Nanophase and Nanostructures Materials is a complete and up-to-date treatise dealing with nanostructured materials. It starts from materials synthesis and preparation with different methods, followed by characterization of a nanostructure and properties with different types of sophisticated instruments and novel experimental methods, about half of the book concentrate on materials systems and applications, which is considered a major part of the exploration of nanoscience and technology.
This volume focuses on the systems of different nanomaterials. The objective is to show their characteristics, unique properties and applications.
【Main Contents】
1. Clusters
2. Semiconductor Nanoparticles
3. Electrochemical Self-Assembly of Ordered Quantum Dot and Wire Arrays
4. Semiconductor Nanowires
5. Magnetic Nanocrystals and Arrays
6. Nanostructured Soft and Hard Magnetic Meterials
7. Nanomaterials for Information Storage
8. Magnetic Liquids
9. Functional Oxide Nanocrystals