Improving Smallholder Livelihoods through Improved Casuarina Productivity-Proceedings of the 4th International Casuarina Workshop Haikou, China (21-25 March 2010)


Price: $34.00


Author: Zhong Chonglu
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787503863653
Published on: 2012-05
Soft Cover

The substantial socio-economic importance of casuarinas ( several members of thefamily Casuarinaceae) has ensured ongoing global interest in research and development ofthis group of nitrogen fixing trees. Plantings are invariably associated with agriculturalsystems and there are about 2 million ha planted in the tropics and sub-tropics, offeringstability to fragile sandy coastal ecosystems and providing services of protection, soil or-ganic matter, poles, fuelwood and commercial wood fiber. Following earlier successfulinternational meetings in Canberra ( 1981) , Cairo ( 1990) and Da Nang ( 1996) , the 4thInternational Casuarina Workshop was held in Haikou, Hainan, People' s Republic ofChina, 21-25 March 2010. The objectives of the meeting were to update and collate cur-rent information and advances in the research and development of this interesting group ofspecies, with particular reference to their impact on smallholder livelihoods, reflected inthe title for the Workshop of: Improving smallholder tivelihoods through improved casua-rina productivity.

Summary of Discussions and Recommendations
Status of Casuarina Research and Development
Casuarina Research and Development in China
Research and Development of Casuarinas in India
Research and Development of Casuarina equisetifolia in Vietnam
Agroforestry/Farm Forestry/Livelihoods
Enhancing Food Security for Smallholder Farmers through Increased Soil Fertility: Case Studiesfor the Sahel
Improved Casuarina for Farm Forestry in South India and Its Socio-economic Implications forSmall-holding Farmers
Modern Silviculture Practices versus Livelihood Needs: The Case of Casuarina Growing alongthe Kenyan Coastal Region
Casuarina in Farm Forestry for Sustainable Livelihoods; The Andhra Pradesh Paper MillsLxperience

Free Improvement
Variation in Growth and Morphological Characteristics of Casuarina junghuhniana Provenances in Thailand
C. junghuhniana and Their Early Evaluation for Growth and Form Traits
A Key for Nursery Identification of Interspecific Hybrids of Casuarina equisetifolia andC. junghuhniana
Fertility and Progeny Performance in Seedling Seed Orchards of Casuarina equisetifolia and C. junghuhniana
Improved Cone and Seed Handling Procedures for Casuarina equisetifo/ia
Species and Provenance Trials of Casuarinaceae in Raoping, Guangdong
Effects of Medium Components and Storage Conditions on Pollen Germination of Casuarina
equisetifolia under in vitro Conditions
Preliminary Report on Cold Tolerance of Species/Provenances of Casuarina Seedlings

Htriogen Fixation/Mycorrhiza/Symbiosis/Biotechnology/Genetics
Molecular Basis of Casuarina/ Frankia Symbiosis
Genetic Transformation of Casuarinaceae Treesin Farm Forestry
Fungi and Phosphobacterium under Nursery Conditions
Reforestation and Rehabilitation of Degraded Ecosystems in Senegal
Development of an in srico Gene Bank for Plant Abiotic Stresses: Towards Its Utilization for Molecular Analysis of Salt Tolerant and Susceptible Casuarina equisetifolia Clones
Genetic Diversity of Casuarina equisetifo/ia Provenances
Environmental Amelioration and Wood Utilization
Pests and Diseases
Short Communications
List of Participants

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