Monogeneans of Chinese Marine Fishes


Price: $47.00


Author: Z.J.Ying
Language: Chinese with English summary
2001; Hardcover;180x260mm;400

The book describes 198 species, 30 new species. It comprises of following chapters:

2.Monocotylidae Taschenberg,1879
3.Capsalidae Barid , 1853
4.Dionchidae Bychowsky, 1957
5.Gyrodactylidae (Van Beneden & Hesse, 1863)
6.Tetraonchoididae Bychowsky, 1951
7.Calceostomatidae Parona & Perugia, 1890
8.Amphibdellatidae (carus, 1885) Bychowsky, 1937
9.Dactylogyridae Bychowsky, 1933
10.Ancyrocephalidae Bychowsky & Nagibina , 1978
11.Protogyrodactylidae Johnston & Tiegs, 1922
12.Diplectanidae Bychowsky, 1957
13.Hexabothriidae Price, 1942
14.Plectanocotylidae Monticelli, 1930
15.Mazocraeidae Price, 1936
16.Pseudodiclidophoridae Yamaguti, 1965
17.Protomicrocotylidae ( Johnston & Tiegs, 1922)
18.Allodiscocotylidae Tripathi, 1959
19.Chauhaneidae Euzet & Triles, 1960
20.Bychowskicotylidae (Lebedev, 1969)
21.Gastrocotylidae Price, 1943
22.Znroyhotsvovoyylifsr zz9zlrnrfrb,1969)
23.Gotocotylidae (Yamaguti,1963) Lebdev,1970
24.Azinidae Monticelli, 1903 25. Heteraxinidae Price,1962
26.Microcotyiidae Taschenberg, 1879
27.Diclidophoridae Cerfontaine,1895
28.Heteromicrocotylidae Unnithan,1961
29.Paramonaxinidae Mamaev,1990


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