Proceedings of the 1st Conference of Engineering Geology


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Author: Engineering Geological Committee of China
Language: Chinese
Published on: 1983-01


1. Regional Engineering Geology
(1) The regional stability for dam construction in te three Gorge of Yangtze
(2) The general recount of regional stability of the mount Xian Nu in the Yangtze gorge district
(3) The regional stability along Qing-Zang railway from Ge-er-mu to Na-qu
(4) Problems in the study and evaluation of the regional stability for foundation
(5) A study of the structure pattern in the Jinniushan and its regional stability
(6) Active faults and civil engineering projects
(7) Studies fro seismic effect and zonation of engineering field
(8) Preliminary analysis of the engineering geological conditions and discussion on the engineering geological partitions in Guan-Zhong basin of mid Sahn Xi
(9) Classification of debris flow and railway location
2. Characteristics of Soil Mass and Soil Mechanic
(1) Field and laboratory studies of slumping loess subsided under its own weight when wetted
(2) Preliminary study for the cause of loessic collapse
(3) Tensile strength of loess
(4) Geotechnical evaluation on the weathering soil of basalt
(5) Composition and structure characteristic and their relation to engineering properties of the Pu-qi Quaternary red clays
(6) Several problems in the scientific research of Chinese expansive soils
(7) A study on some characteristics of the An-kang expansive clay
(8) Enginering geological geological problems on railway in the permafrost zone of Qing Zang plateau
(9) Soil mechanics problems and the mechanism of failure
(10) On shearing strength of soil
3. Characteristics of Rock Mass and Rock Mechanic
(1) On the concept of rock mass mechanics
(2) The study of rock mass classification in the engineering geology
(3) A new index for evaluating rock mass quality-block size modulus (B.S.M.)
(4) Characteristics of rock mass and its stability evalution
(5) Engineering geological properties of red strata in the Danjiangkou of province Hubei
(6) Study of the interbedding shear zone at Gozouba project on the Yangtze river
(7) Research on the trend of change of weak interbeds in rock foundation of Gezhouba water control project by physical-chemiical and mechanical methods
(8) The rock brittle fracture in the area of high crustal stress
4. Engineering Geological Problems on the Various Engineering constructions
(1) On the fundamental problems of engineering geomechanics
(2) Occurring mechanism of landslides
(3) Landslide control and the relations between certain characteristics of bedding rockslide and architectonics
(4) Surveying of landslide movements
(5) The stability analysis of rock mass and the excavation for the arch dam of Dongjiang hydropower station on the Lai-shui river
(6) Methods for investigating the structure surfaces in the stability analysis of a dam abutment
(7) Genetic condition and developing depth of deep karst in Pengshui damsite on the Wujing River
(8) Stability and excavat with timbering on underground tunnel portal
(9) Elementary conception of toppled rock mass and its geomechanical properties
5. Techniques and Methods
(1) An Important device of geophysical exploration for engineering Geology Art of state, use and development of acoustic surveying instrument
(2) The properties of sonic velocity about the rock weathered zone in a dam site
(3) The application of the strain resistivity method to study the surrounding rock mass of tunnels
(4) The mechanism of static cone penetration in the strata of cohesionless soils
(5) Modification of the method for measuring soil pressure coefficient at rest
(6) The use of the pressuremeter to determine the deformation module and loadbearing capacity of soil
(7) The application of coordinate plane projection method in rock mechanics
(8) Application of unveiling sheet in soil engineering
(9) Application of remote sensing images in railroad engineering geological survey

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