Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 7564101881
Published on: 2005-01
Soft Cover
This set includes 3 books about papers presented at the International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering (ISISS'2005) in Nanjing, China.These papers are in English.
The International Symposium on Innotation & Sustainability of Structure in Civil Engineering (ISISS'2005)is held in Nanjing,China, November 20-22, 2005.It is organized by Southeast University and operated by the key laboratory of RC & PC Structure, Ministry of Education, China and sponsored by many related international and national organizations.
The Proceedings contain 10 keynote papers, 14 invited papers and 220 contributed papers presented at the symposium. These papers cover a wide spectrum of topics and originated from 26 countries and regions around the world where the R&D on the symposium topics are considered to be put forward activekly. They report the current state-of-the-art and point to future directions of research in this thematic field.
The number of deteriorating structures is increasing dramatically worldwide. Cost for maintenance, repair, rehabilitation and regeneration of these structures far exceed available budgets.Meanwhile, the importance of minimum life-cycleo cost and environmentally conscious design strategies for next generation structures is now accepted not only by the infrastructure engineering fraternity but also by the general public. Moreover, the constructions of inexperienced large-scale and complex structures are still continuously required to meet the requirements for the social development. Due to these backgrounds, innotation & sustainability of structure have become an increasingly important theme in civil, mechanical and aeronautical engineering etc.