Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 7502934219
Published on: 2002-01
This book holds more than a hundred papers on Graphic and Image Processing, Spatial Information System and Application of it, and Application of Remote Sense. This book has four parts: Graphic and Image Processing, Spatial Information System, Application of Remote Sense, and Application of Spatial Information System.
In the first part: Graphic and Image Processing, most of the papers concentrate on “Methodology for 3-dimensional Graphics”, “Interactive techniques and virtual reality”, and “Reality 3-D topography and landscape”.
In the second part: Spatial Information System, many papers are special on topics such as “GIS methodology and application”, “Multi-source spatial data processing and data fusion”, and “Geo-spatial information system”.
In the third part: Application of Remote Sense, most of the papers concern with issues on “Application of Remote Sensing to Earth Science, Agriculture and other areas”, “Remote sensing image processing methods”, “Wavelet in image processing”.
In the last part: Application of Spatial Information System, there are more than forty papers that study many issues in the Application of Spatial Information System e.g. “Intelligent identification and processing”, “Precision agriculture”, “GIS application to resources management, environment assessment and other areas”.