Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787030278159
Published on: 2010-07
Soft Cover
This is proceedings of the International Symposium on life-Cycle Performance of Bridges and Structures (June 27-29, 2010, Changsha, China)
The main scope of the conference focuses on bridge structures, covering the life-cycle performancew of bridges, namely from design, to construction,to service, and to extreme events. While the topic of the conference is broad. Extreme events, aging materials, harsh environments, overweight vehicles, inadequate maintenance, etc. lead to accelerated structural deteriorations of bridges and structures. To mitigate the problem with limited funds, different innovative (advanced) structural repair techniques have been under development and new materials, such as Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP), smart/intelligent materials, high performance concrete, and high strength steels are under implementations. The success of such implementations will largely depend on our understanding of bridges/structures performance from during construction to extreme events. This symposium provides a forum for researchers, practicing engineers and structures owners to exchange ideas on improving our understanding of bridge and structure's life-cycle performance.
The symposium is featured by 30 invited presentations, which provides more in-depth exchange of information. We also have received many high quality papers from the regular paper submission process. All together 171 full papers are selected from over 220 abstracts for publication in this proceeding.
The main scope of the conference focuses on bridge structures, covering the life-cycle performance of bridges, namely from design, to construction, to service, and to extreme events. While the topic of the conference is broad, we intended to make the conference small enough to have more personal interaction for information exchange and development of friendship. We hope this will be an enjoyable meeting and a good experience for us to treasure for years to e.
Theme 1 Structural Performance in Wind Environment
Theme 2 Structural Monitoring and Damage Detection
Theme 3 Structural performance Evaluation and System Identification
Theme 4 Structural performance Enhancement and Special Material Applications
Theme 5 Structural Durability and Long Term Performance
Theme 6 Performance Prediction of Structural Components and Systems
Theme 7 Structural performance Under Dynamic Loands
Theme 8 Structural performance in Extreme Evemts
Theme 9 Construction Techniques and Quality Control
Theme 10 Miscellaneous