Author: Chen Guanrong
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787040406054
Published on: 2016-08
Soft Cover
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787040406054
Published on: 2016-08
Soft Cover
Introduction to Complex Networks:Models,Structures and Dynamics(Second Edition)本书力求正确和准确,但并不刻意采取十分严谨的写法,以期通俗易懂,侧重于主要思想和基本方法的介绍,仅提供启发性的数学支撑,希望具有初等微积分、线性代数和常微分方程的读者能够轻松地学习书中的主要内容。
1 Introduction
1.1 Background and Motivation
1.2 A Brief History of Complex Network Research
1.2.1 The Konigsburg Seven—Bridge Problem
1.2.2 Random Graph Theory
1.2.3 Small—World Experiments
1.2.4 Strengths of Weak Ties
1.2.5 Heterogeneity and the WWW
1.3 New Era of Complex—Network Studies
2 Preliminaries
2.1 Elementary Graph Theory
2.1.1 Background
2.1.2 Basic Concepts
2.1.3 Adjacency Incidence and Laplacian Matrices
2.1.4 Degree Correlation and Assortativity
2.1.5 Some Basic Results on Graphs
2.1.6 Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs
2.1.7 Plane and Planar Graphs
2.1.8 Trees and Bipartite Graphs
2.1.9 Directed Graphs
2.1.10 Weighted Graphs
2.1.11 Some Applications
2.2 Elementary Probability and Statistics
2.2.1 Probability Preliminaries
2.2.2 Statistics Preliminaries
2.2.3 Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem
2.2.4 Markov Chains
2.3 Elementary Dynamical Systems Theory
2.3.1 Background and Morivation
2.3.2 Some Analytical Tools
2.3.3 Chaos in Nonlinear Systems
2.3.4 Kolmogorov—Sinai Entropy
2.3.5 Some Examples of Chaoric Sysrems
2.3.6 Stabilities of Nonlinear Systems
3 Network Topologies: Basic Models and Properties
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Regular Networks
3.3 ER Random—Graph Model
3.4 Small—World Network Models
3.4.1 WS Small—World Nerwork Model
3.4.2 NW Small— World Network Model
3.4.3 Sratistical Properties of Small—World Network Models
3.5 Navigable Small—World Network Model
3.6 Scale—Free Network Models
3.6.1 BA Scale—Free Network Model
3.6.2 Robustness versus Fragiliry
3.6.3 Modified BA Models
3.6.4 A Simple Model with Power—Law Deg—ree Distribution
3.6.5 Local— World and Multi—Local— Wortd Network Models
4 Internet: Topology and Modeling
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Topological Properties of the Internet
4.2.1 Power—Low Node—Degree Distribution
4.2.2 Hierarchical Structure
4.2.3 Rich—Club Structure
4.2.4 Disassortative Property
4.2.5 Coreness and Betweenness
4.2.6 Growrh of the Internet
4.2.7 Router—Level Internet Topology
4.2.8 Geographic Layout of the Interner
4.3 Random—Graph Network Topology Generator
4.4 Structural Network Topology Generators
4.4.1 Tiers Topology Generaror
4.4.2 Transir—Stub Topology Generator
4.5 Connectivity—Based Network Topology Generators
4.5.1 Inet
4.5.2 BRITE Model
4.5.3 GLP Model
4.5.4 PFP Model
4.5.5 TANG Model
4.6 Multi—Local—World Model
4.6.1 Theoretical Considerations
4.6.2 Numerical Resulrs with Ccunparison
4.6.3 Performance Comparison
4.7 HOT Model
4.8 Dynamical Behaviors of the Internet Topological Characteristics
4.9 Traffic Fluctuation on Weighted Networks
4.9.1 Weighred Networks
4.9.2 GRD Model
4.9.3 Data Traffic Fluctuations
5 Epidemic Spreading Dynamics
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Epidemic Threshold Theory
5.2.1 Epidemic (SI, SIS, SIR) Models
5.2.2 Epidemic Thresholds on Homogenous Networks
5.2.3 Statistical Data Analysis
5.2.4 Epidemic Thresholds on Heterogeneous Networks
5.2.5 Epidemic Thresholds on BA Networks
5.2.6 Epidemic Thresholds on Finite—Sized Scale—Free Networks
5.2.7 Epidemic Thresholds on Correlated Networks
5.2.8 SIR Model of Epidemic Spreading
5.2.9 Epidemic Spreading on Quenched Networks
5.3 Epidemic Spreading on Spatial Networks
5.3.1 Spatial Networks
5.3.2 Spatial Network Models.for Infectious Diseases
5.3.3 Impact of Spatial Clustering on Disease Transmissions
5.3.4 Large—Scale Spatial Epidemic Spreading
5.3.5 Impacr of Human Location—Specific Contact Patterns
5.4 Immunization on Complex Networks
5.4.1 Random Immunization
5.4.2 Targeted Immunization
5.4.3 Acquaintance Immunization
5.5 Computer Virus Spreading over the Internet
5.5.1 Random Constant—Spread Model
5.5.2 A Compartment—Based Model
5.5.3 Spreading Models of Email Viruse.s
5.5.4 Effects of Computer Virus on Network Topologies
6 Community Structures
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Various Scenarios in Real— World Social Networks
6.1.2 Generalization of Assortativity
6.2 Community Structure and Modularity
6.2.1 Communitv Structure
6.2.2 Modularity
6.2.3 Modularity of Weighted and Directed Networks
6.3 Modularity—Based Community Detecting Algorithms
6.3.1 CNM Scheme
6.3.2 BGLL Scheme
6.3.3 Multi—Slice Community Detection
6.3.4 Detecting Spatial Community Structures
6.4 Other Community Partitioning Schemes
6.4.1 Limitations of the Modularity Measure
6.4.2 Ctique Percolation Scheme
6.4.3 Edge—Based Community Detection Scheme
6.4.4 Evaluation Criteria for Community Detection Algorithms
6.5 Some Recent Progress
7 Network Games
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Two—Player/Two—Strategy Evolutionary Games on Networks
7.2.1 Introduction to Games on Networks
7.2.2 Two—Player/Two—Strategy Games on Regular Lattices
7.2.3 Two—Player/Two—Strategy Games on BA Scale—Free Networks
7.2.4 Two—Player/Two—Strategy Games on Correlated Scale—Free Networks
7.2.5 Two—Player/Two—Strategy Games on Clustered Scale—Free Networks
7.3 Multi—Player/Two—Strategy Evolutionary Games on Networks
7.3.1 Introduction to Public Goods Game
7.3.2 Multi—Player/Two—Strategy Evolutionary Games on BA Networks
7.3.3 Multi—Player/Two—Strategy Evolutionary Games on Correlated Scale free Networks
7.3.4 Multi—Ptayer/Two—Strategy Evolutionary Games on Clustered Scale free Networks
7.4 Adaptive Evolutionary Games on Networks References
8 Network Synchroruzation
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Complete Synchronization of Continuous—Time Networks
8.2.1 Complete Synchronization of General Continuous—Time Networks
8.2.2 Complete Synchronization of Linearly Coupled Continuous—Time Networks
8.3 Complete Synchronization of Some Typical Dynamical Networks
8.3.1 Complete Synchronization of Regular Network.s
8.3.2 Synchronization of Small— World Networks
8.3.3 Synchronization of Scale—Free Networks
8.3.4 Comptete Synchronization of Local—World Networks
8.4 Phase Synchronization
8.4.1 Phase Synchronization of the Kuramoto Model
8.4.2 Phase Synchronization of Small— World Networks
8.4.3 Phase Synchronization of Scale—Free Networks
8.4.4 Phase Synchronization of Nonuniformly Coupled Networks
9 Network Control
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Spatiotemporal Chaos Control on Regular CML
9.3 Pinning Control of Complex Networks
9.3.1 Augmented Network Approach
9.3.2 Pinning Control of Scale—Free Networks
9.4 Pinning Control of General Complex Networks
9.4.1 Stability Analysis of General Networks under Pinning Control
9.4.2 Pinning and Virtual Control of General Networks
9.4.3 Pinning and Virtual Control of Scale—Free Networks
9.5 Time—Delay Pinning Control of Complex Networks
9.6 Consensus and Flocking Control
10 Brieflntroduction to Other Topics
10.1 Human Opinion Dynamics
10.2 Human Mobility and Behavioral Dynamics
10.3 Web PageRank, SiteRank and BrowserRank
10.3.1 Method.s Based on Edge Analysis
10.3.2 Methods Using Users'Behavior Data
10.4 Recommendation Systems
10.5 Network Edge Prediction
10.6 Living Organisms and Bionetworks
10.7 Cascading Reactions on Networks
1.1 Background and Motivation
1.2 A Brief History of Complex Network Research
1.2.1 The Konigsburg Seven—Bridge Problem
1.2.2 Random Graph Theory
1.2.3 Small—World Experiments
1.2.4 Strengths of Weak Ties
1.2.5 Heterogeneity and the WWW
1.3 New Era of Complex—Network Studies
2 Preliminaries
2.1 Elementary Graph Theory
2.1.1 Background
2.1.2 Basic Concepts
2.1.3 Adjacency Incidence and Laplacian Matrices
2.1.4 Degree Correlation and Assortativity
2.1.5 Some Basic Results on Graphs
2.1.6 Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs
2.1.7 Plane and Planar Graphs
2.1.8 Trees and Bipartite Graphs
2.1.9 Directed Graphs
2.1.10 Weighted Graphs
2.1.11 Some Applications
2.2 Elementary Probability and Statistics
2.2.1 Probability Preliminaries
2.2.2 Statistics Preliminaries
2.2.3 Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem
2.2.4 Markov Chains
2.3 Elementary Dynamical Systems Theory
2.3.1 Background and Morivation
2.3.2 Some Analytical Tools
2.3.3 Chaos in Nonlinear Systems
2.3.4 Kolmogorov—Sinai Entropy
2.3.5 Some Examples of Chaoric Sysrems
2.3.6 Stabilities of Nonlinear Systems
3 Network Topologies: Basic Models and Properties
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Regular Networks
3.3 ER Random—Graph Model
3.4 Small—World Network Models
3.4.1 WS Small—World Nerwork Model
3.4.2 NW Small— World Network Model
3.4.3 Sratistical Properties of Small—World Network Models
3.5 Navigable Small—World Network Model
3.6 Scale—Free Network Models
3.6.1 BA Scale—Free Network Model
3.6.2 Robustness versus Fragiliry
3.6.3 Modified BA Models
3.6.4 A Simple Model with Power—Law Deg—ree Distribution
3.6.5 Local— World and Multi—Local— Wortd Network Models
4 Internet: Topology and Modeling
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Topological Properties of the Internet
4.2.1 Power—Low Node—Degree Distribution
4.2.2 Hierarchical Structure
4.2.3 Rich—Club Structure
4.2.4 Disassortative Property
4.2.5 Coreness and Betweenness
4.2.6 Growrh of the Internet
4.2.7 Router—Level Internet Topology
4.2.8 Geographic Layout of the Interner
4.3 Random—Graph Network Topology Generator
4.4 Structural Network Topology Generators
4.4.1 Tiers Topology Generaror
4.4.2 Transir—Stub Topology Generator
4.5 Connectivity—Based Network Topology Generators
4.5.1 Inet
4.5.2 BRITE Model
4.5.3 GLP Model
4.5.4 PFP Model
4.5.5 TANG Model
4.6 Multi—Local—World Model
4.6.1 Theoretical Considerations
4.6.2 Numerical Resulrs with Ccunparison
4.6.3 Performance Comparison
4.7 HOT Model
4.8 Dynamical Behaviors of the Internet Topological Characteristics
4.9 Traffic Fluctuation on Weighted Networks
4.9.1 Weighred Networks
4.9.2 GRD Model
4.9.3 Data Traffic Fluctuations
5 Epidemic Spreading Dynamics
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Epidemic Threshold Theory
5.2.1 Epidemic (SI, SIS, SIR) Models
5.2.2 Epidemic Thresholds on Homogenous Networks
5.2.3 Statistical Data Analysis
5.2.4 Epidemic Thresholds on Heterogeneous Networks
5.2.5 Epidemic Thresholds on BA Networks
5.2.6 Epidemic Thresholds on Finite—Sized Scale—Free Networks
5.2.7 Epidemic Thresholds on Correlated Networks
5.2.8 SIR Model of Epidemic Spreading
5.2.9 Epidemic Spreading on Quenched Networks
5.3 Epidemic Spreading on Spatial Networks
5.3.1 Spatial Networks
5.3.2 Spatial Network Models.for Infectious Diseases
5.3.3 Impact of Spatial Clustering on Disease Transmissions
5.3.4 Large—Scale Spatial Epidemic Spreading
5.3.5 Impacr of Human Location—Specific Contact Patterns
5.4 Immunization on Complex Networks
5.4.1 Random Immunization
5.4.2 Targeted Immunization
5.4.3 Acquaintance Immunization
5.5 Computer Virus Spreading over the Internet
5.5.1 Random Constant—Spread Model
5.5.2 A Compartment—Based Model
5.5.3 Spreading Models of Email Viruse.s
5.5.4 Effects of Computer Virus on Network Topologies
6 Community Structures
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Various Scenarios in Real— World Social Networks
6.1.2 Generalization of Assortativity
6.2 Community Structure and Modularity
6.2.1 Communitv Structure
6.2.2 Modularity
6.2.3 Modularity of Weighted and Directed Networks
6.3 Modularity—Based Community Detecting Algorithms
6.3.1 CNM Scheme
6.3.2 BGLL Scheme
6.3.3 Multi—Slice Community Detection
6.3.4 Detecting Spatial Community Structures
6.4 Other Community Partitioning Schemes
6.4.1 Limitations of the Modularity Measure
6.4.2 Ctique Percolation Scheme
6.4.3 Edge—Based Community Detection Scheme
6.4.4 Evaluation Criteria for Community Detection Algorithms
6.5 Some Recent Progress
7 Network Games
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Two—Player/Two—Strategy Evolutionary Games on Networks
7.2.1 Introduction to Games on Networks
7.2.2 Two—Player/Two—Strategy Games on Regular Lattices
7.2.3 Two—Player/Two—Strategy Games on BA Scale—Free Networks
7.2.4 Two—Player/Two—Strategy Games on Correlated Scale—Free Networks
7.2.5 Two—Player/Two—Strategy Games on Clustered Scale—Free Networks
7.3 Multi—Player/Two—Strategy Evolutionary Games on Networks
7.3.1 Introduction to Public Goods Game
7.3.2 Multi—Player/Two—Strategy Evolutionary Games on BA Networks
7.3.3 Multi—Player/Two—Strategy Evolutionary Games on Correlated Scale free Networks
7.3.4 Multi—Ptayer/Two—Strategy Evolutionary Games on Clustered Scale free Networks
7.4 Adaptive Evolutionary Games on Networks References
8 Network Synchroruzation
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Complete Synchronization of Continuous—Time Networks
8.2.1 Complete Synchronization of General Continuous—Time Networks
8.2.2 Complete Synchronization of Linearly Coupled Continuous—Time Networks
8.3 Complete Synchronization of Some Typical Dynamical Networks
8.3.1 Complete Synchronization of Regular Network.s
8.3.2 Synchronization of Small— World Networks
8.3.3 Synchronization of Scale—Free Networks
8.3.4 Comptete Synchronization of Local—World Networks
8.4 Phase Synchronization
8.4.1 Phase Synchronization of the Kuramoto Model
8.4.2 Phase Synchronization of Small— World Networks
8.4.3 Phase Synchronization of Scale—Free Networks
8.4.4 Phase Synchronization of Nonuniformly Coupled Networks
9 Network Control
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Spatiotemporal Chaos Control on Regular CML
9.3 Pinning Control of Complex Networks
9.3.1 Augmented Network Approach
9.3.2 Pinning Control of Scale—Free Networks
9.4 Pinning Control of General Complex Networks
9.4.1 Stability Analysis of General Networks under Pinning Control
9.4.2 Pinning and Virtual Control of General Networks
9.4.3 Pinning and Virtual Control of Scale—Free Networks
9.5 Time—Delay Pinning Control of Complex Networks
9.6 Consensus and Flocking Control
10 Brieflntroduction to Other Topics
10.1 Human Opinion Dynamics
10.2 Human Mobility and Behavioral Dynamics
10.3 Web PageRank, SiteRank and BrowserRank
10.3.1 Method.s Based on Edge Analysis
10.3.2 Methods Using Users'Behavior Data
10.4 Recommendation Systems
10.5 Network Edge Prediction
10.6 Living Organisms and Bionetworks
10.7 Cascading Reactions on Networks