Language: Chinese with English summary
ISBN/ISSN: 10057021
Published on: 2008-01
1.Optimization of Culture Conditions of R-Amidase-Producing Brevibacterium epidermidis Strain ZJB-07021
2.Isolation and Characterization of three strains of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and its bioleaching of chalcopyrite (in English)
3.Optimization of ISSR-PCR Conditions of Lophodermium
4.Cloning of Δ6-Fatty Acid Desaturase Gene from Rhizopus nigricans R306 with Reverse PCR
5.Isolation and Purification of α_1-Antitrypsin
6.Breeding of Cellulomonas flavigena Strain and Its Enzyme-Production Characteristics
7.Extracellular Polysaccharide Biosynthetic Conditions of Bacillus sake BXR-5-3
8.Classification,Identification,and Correlated Features of a Photobacterium ganghwense Strain
9.Preparation and Regeneration of Protoplast from Streptomyces gilvosporeus
10.Physical and Chemical Properties and Antimicrobial Spectrum of Subtilin from Bacillus subtilis FB123
11.Advances in Peptide Nucleic Acid Probe Technology and Its Application in Microbial Detection
12.Advances in Cellulase and Its Development Tendency
13.Three Special Bacteria from Baiyun'ebo Rare Earth Mining area
14.Utilization of the Internet Information Resources to Improve the Teaching Results of Microbiology
ISBN/ISSN: 10057021
Published on: 2008-01
1.Optimization of Culture Conditions of R-Amidase-Producing Brevibacterium epidermidis Strain ZJB-07021
2.Isolation and Characterization of three strains of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and its bioleaching of chalcopyrite (in English)
3.Optimization of ISSR-PCR Conditions of Lophodermium
4.Cloning of Δ6-Fatty Acid Desaturase Gene from Rhizopus nigricans R306 with Reverse PCR
5.Isolation and Purification of α_1-Antitrypsin
6.Breeding of Cellulomonas flavigena Strain and Its Enzyme-Production Characteristics
7.Extracellular Polysaccharide Biosynthetic Conditions of Bacillus sake BXR-5-3
8.Classification,Identification,and Correlated Features of a Photobacterium ganghwense Strain
9.Preparation and Regeneration of Protoplast from Streptomyces gilvosporeus
10.Physical and Chemical Properties and Antimicrobial Spectrum of Subtilin from Bacillus subtilis FB123
11.Advances in Peptide Nucleic Acid Probe Technology and Its Application in Microbial Detection
12.Advances in Cellulase and Its Development Tendency
13.Three Special Bacteria from Baiyun'ebo Rare Earth Mining area
14.Utilization of the Internet Information Resources to Improve the Teaching Results of Microbiology