Marine Atlas Of Bohai Sea ,Yellow Sea and East China Sea(Voloum 2. Chemistry)

Price: $113.00


Author: Wang Yuheng
Language: Chinese
Published on: 1991-01

This atlas is a basic collection of 241 charts for the chemical elements of sea water in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. The items of the atlas include dissolved oxygen content, dissolved oxygen saturation, active phosphate, active silicate, nitrite, pH value and total alkalinity. The scale of the working base chart is 1:3500000. The dissolved oxygen and pH value in the sea water are the data obtained from the cross-section investigation in the period of 1976 to 1985. The data of other items are those collected during the supplementary surveying in the single cruise from 1984 to 1985, and the data of national coastal zone survey were collected as supplement in the atlas. All chemical elements were measured in accordance with the stipulations set out in "Norms of Oceanic Survey" published by SOA in 1975. The unified survey norms and the marine survey standard solutions were adapted in the surveying of each time. And for the determination of the nutrients, the spectrophotometer was used. Thus, both the accuracy and the quality of the atlas are ensured, with the survey data more accurate and comparable. The accuracies and units for the analytical methods are listed in the following table. ITEMS SYMBOL UNIT METHOD ACCURACY Dissolved Oxygen DO μmol/dm3 Winkler 5.3 X 10-3 Active phosphate PO4-P μmol/dm3 Phosphor-molybdenum 0.2±15% 2.0±3.5% Active silicate SiO3-Si μmol/dm3 Silion-melybdenum Yellow Method 20±5.0% 100±3.0% Nitrate NO3-N μmol/dm3 Zinc-cadmium reduction 2.0±7.5% 10±3.0% Nitrate NO2-N μmol/dm3 Diazo-azo method 0.5±5.0% 1.0±3.0% pH pH pH Determined by pH meter ±0.02 Total alkalinity ALK mmol/dm3 Excess acid neutralized, determined by pH meter 1.5±3.5% 2.2±2.5% The dissolved oxygen and the pH value are the arithmetic mean value of the ten year's data from 1976 to 1985, while the data of the other items are those collected during the single cruise from 1984 to 1985 with the abnormal values rejected.
For each chemical element, horizontal (om 10m, 20m, 30m, and bottom layer) and cross-section charts, vertical distribution charts of the chemical element at the typical stations and seasonal change charts were drawn. To the horizontal distribution charts are attached charts of bathymetric contour, main observed cross-sections and typical stations of the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the east China Sea.
The investigated data in adjacent months of different years were adapted in the atlas, with other investigated data in the past 20 years as reference. The seasonal distribution chart was plotted with the data of different times. The chart is considered as an instantaneous, and on the chart there may be abnormal phenomena. Thus when plotting a chart, the isoline shape of cach chemical element should be noted and the total distributive tendency of this element reflected. The individual abnormal values, which cannot be explained, were omitted. When the investigated data of the cross-section are inconsistent with that of the coastal zone, generally, the former was adopted, considering the instantaneity of the content variations of chemical elements in the near shore area. When the investigated data of the cross section are inconsistent with the Kuroshio data, the selection of data depends on the reasonableness of the trend of isoline.
CONTENTS Topographic map; Horizontal Distribution

1. The schematic diagram of the bathymetric line, the cross section and the typical stations of the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the east China Sea;
2. Horizontal distribution of dissolved oxygen content in spring, summer, autumn and winter (0m 10m 20m 30m and bottom);
3. Horizontal distribution of maximum and minimum values of dissolved oxygen content in spring, summer, autumn and winter(0m and bottom);
4. Horizontal distribution of dissolved oxygen saturation in spring, summer, autumn and winter (0m 10m 20m 30m and bottom);
5. Horizontal distribution of active phosphate in spring, summer, autumn and winter (0m 10m 20m 30m and bottom);
6. Horizontal distribution of active silicate in spring, summer, autumn and winter (0m 10m 20m 30m and bottom);
7. Horizontal distribution of nitrate in spring, summer, autumn and winter (0m 10m 20m 30m and bottom);
8. Horizontal distribution of nitrite in spring, summer, autumn and winter (0m 10m 20m 30m and bottom);
9. Horizontal distribution of pH value in spring, summer, autumn and winter (0m 10m 20m 30m and bottom)
10. Horizontal distribution of total alkalinity in spring, summer, autumn and winter (0m 10m 20m 30m and bottom); Cross-Section Charts (Cross-Section I to IX)
11. Distribution of dissolved oxygen content in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
12. Distribution of dissolved oxygen saturation in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
13. Distribution of active phosphate in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
14. Distribution of active silicate in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
15. Distribution of nitrate in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
16. Distribution of nitrite in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
17. Distribution of pH value in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
18. Distribution of total alkalinity in spring, summer, autumn and winter; Vertical Distribution of Chemical Elements at Typical Stations
19. Vertical distribution of dissolved oxygen content in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
20. Vertical distribution of dissolved oxygen saturation in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
21. Vertical distribution of active phosphate in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
22. Vertical distribution of active silicate in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
23. Vertical distribution of nitrate in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
24. Vertical distribution of nitrite in spring, summer, autumn and winter
25. Vertical distribution of pH value in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
26. Vertical distribution of total alkalinity in spring, summer, autumn and winter; Seasonal Change Charts
27. Seasonal Change Charts of dissolved oxygen content;
28. Seasonal Change Charts of dissolved oxygen saturation;
29. Seasonal Change Charts of active phosphate;
30. Seasonal Change Charts of active silicate;
31. Seasonal Change Charts of nitrate;
32. Seasonal Change Charts of nitrite;
33. Seasonal Change Charts of pH value;
34. Seasonal Change Charts of total alkalinity;
35. Summary.

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