Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 3540279458
Published on: 2005-01
The two proceedings volumes are a compilation of approximately 400 extended abstracts(up to 4 pages long) of presentations given at the thematic sessions within which they were presented, including tectonics, lithospheric, and deep mantle controls on global metallogenic provinces and giant ore deposits; base and precious metal mineralizaion in sediments during basin evolution; metallogeny and exploration of uranium deposits; magmas and base-metal ore deposits; epigenetic gold systems; submarine ore systems and ancient analogues; understanding ore systems through precise geochronology, isotope tracing and microgeochemistry; geology and economics of non-metallic resources; conceptua; targeting of mineral deposits. Due to the meeting being held in beijing, the conference and proceedings volume also feature thematic seeions that focus on specific regions throughout Asia , such as Metallogeny of the Tethys-Himalayan Orogen; Geodynamics and metallogeny of the Altaid Orogen; and Exploration, discovery,and mine developments in China. As such , the volume represents a comprehensive summary of cutting-edge developments across a wide range of subject matters that are of particular relevance to the global research,minging and exploration community
Session 1 Tectionics,lithospheric,and deep mantle controls on global metallogenic provinces and giant ore deposits
Chapter 1-1 Global tectonic settings and deep mantle control on Hg and Au-Hg deposits
Chapter 1-2 Upper mantle composition:Tools for smarter diamond exploration
Chapter 1-3 Tectonic and lithospheric controls on the heterogeneous temporal distribution of mineral deposits
Chapter 1-4 Tectonic controls on the endowment of Archean cratons in VHMS deposits:Evidence from Pb and Nd isotopes
Chapter 1-5 Neoproterozoic and Early Palaeozoic metallogenies in the Dinarides, South Tisia, Pelagonids and Serbo –Macedonian Mass
Chapter 1-6 Mantle contro for a giant Neoproterozoic epithermal silver deposit:lmiter(Morocco)
Session 2 Basin evolution: base and precious metal mineralization in sediments
Chapter 2-1 Iron transport in redbeds during the genesis of sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits
Chapter 2-2 Application of scanned digital imagery to ore texture interpretation at the Century zinc deposit, NW Queensland
Chapter 2-3 Diagenetic origin of the Luzhou copper deposit,Yunnan Province,China
Chapter 2-4 An overpressured fluid system associated with the giant sandstone-hosted jingding Zn-Pb deposit,western Yuannan,China
Chapter 2-5 Stratiform Sb and Au mineralizations in the Hercynian Durico – eira area (North Portugal)
Session 3 Uranium deposits: metallogeny and exploration
Chapter 3-1 Geochemistry,geothermometry,and K-Ar dating of episyenitic rocks associated with the Guarda uraniferous granites,Portugal
Chapter 3-2 petroleum-related origin for sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in the Dongsheng area,Oreos Basin(China)
Chapter 3-3 Mesozoic – Neozoic structural evolution and its relationship to the formation of sandstone –type uranium deposits in the Yili Basin
Chapter 3-4 Geodynamic setting of Mesozoic magmatism and its relationship to uranium metallogenesis in southeastern China
Chapter 3-5 Cenozoic tectonic movement and its control on sandstone-type uranium deposits in the northern junggar Basin
Session 4 Magmas and base-metal ore deposits
Chapter 4-1 Factors controlling palladium and gold contents in the Aksug porphyry Cu-Mo deposit(Russia)
Chapter 4-2 The Boyongan porphyry Cu-Au deposit:Repeated hydrothermal cycles tied to discrete intrusice events
Chapter 4-3 Endoskarn and Cu-Zn mineralization at the Empire mine , Ldaho, USA
Chapter 4-4 The Rosario porphyry Cu-Zn mineralization at the Empire mine, ldaho,usa
Chapter 4-5 Copper mineralization in the western Longbohe area,SE Yunnan, China comparison with the Shengquan copper deposit , Vietnam
Session 5 Epigenetic gold systems
Chapter 5-1 Geochemical and isotopic constraints on palaeozoic orogenic gold endowment and crustal evolution of the southe central evolution of the south central andes,Nw Argentina
Chapter 5-2 Models for epigenetic gold exploration in the northern Cordilleran Orogen, Yukon,Canada
Chapter 5-3 Characteristics and evolution of hydrothermal fluids from the Archean orogenic New Celebration gold deposits , Western Australia
Session 6 Submarine ore systems and ancient analogues : Global comparisons of VMS (IGCP 502)
Chapter 6-1 Polymetallic VMS deposits of the Andes Fueguinos(southernmost Argentina): Preliminary report
Chapter 6-2 Mineralogical and geochemical hydrothermal evidences on sediments from the serpentinite – hosted saldanha hydrothermal field
Chapter 6-3 Geological features and sulphur isotope study of the Meixian-style pb-Zn-(Ag) deposits in Fujian Province,South China
Chapter 6-4 Formation mechanism of oreshoots in massive sulphide orebodies at Hongtoushan,Ne China
Chapter 6-5 The Khandiza Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag VMS deposit:part of a nw Bathurst District in southern Uzbekistan
Session 7 Understanding ore systems though precise geochronology isotope tracing and microgeochemistry
Chapter 7-1 Origin of titanomagnetite –ilmenite mineralization,Arsentyev gabbro-syenite massif,Transbaikalia,Russia
Chapter 7-2 Direct dating of ore minerals:A feasibility study of the Pb-Pb isotope step-leaching technique
Chapter 7-3 Rutiles in eclogite from the sulu UHPM terrane:A preliminary study
Chapter 7-4 A non-magmatic component in fluids of South American Fe oxide –Cu-Au deposits inferred from Sri and CL/Br
Chapter 7-5 Origin of hydrothermal ore –forming processes in the Dapingzhang polymetallic copper deposit in the Lanping –Simao Basin, Yunnan Province