One-dimensional Nanostructures Concepts, Applications and Perspectives


Price: $43.00


Author: Zhou Yong
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787312022012
Published on: 2009-01
Soft Cover

Preface of Alumni's Serials
Chapter 1 Lipid Nanotubes and Peptide Nanotubes: Formation and Applications for Scaffolding Nanomaterials
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Formation of LNTs
1.3 Formation of PNTs
1.4 Templating nanostructures
1.4.1 LNT-templating nanostructures
1.4.2 PNTs templating nanostructures
1.5 Conclusion

Chapter 2 Introduction of Nanodevices Based on ZnO Nanowires/Nanobelts
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Transport properties of ZnO nanowires/nanobelts
2.2.1 Field effect transistor based on ZnO NWs
2.2.2 Schottky diodes based on ZnO NBs/NWs
2.3 Piezoelectronics based on ZnO NWs/ NBs
2.3.1 Piezoelectricity and structure of ZnO
2.3.2 Piezoelectric nanogenerators
2.4 Optoelectronics based on ZnO NWs
2.4.1 UV detector
2.4.2 Nanowire based nanolasers
2.4.3 Nanowire array LED
2.5 Chemical and biological sensors based on ZnO nanowires
2.6 Doping modification, field emission and mechanical properties
2.6.1 Metal doping of ZnO
2.6.2 Field emission properties of ZnO nanowire arrays
2.6.3 Nanobalance based on ZnO nanowire
2.7 Summary

Chapter 3 Elastic Properties of One-dimensional Metal Nanoparticles Studied by Time-resolved Spectroscopy
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Metal nanoparticles
3.1.2 Time-resolved spectroscopy
3.2 Theory
3.3 Experimental apparatus and techniques
3.3.1 Synthesis of au nanorods
3.3.2 Transient absorption apparatus
3 4 Experimental results
3.4.1 Characterization of au nanorods
3.4.2 Transient absorption experiment
3.4.3 Elastic properties of gold nanorods
3.4.4 Discussion of the elastic moduli of metal nanorods
3.5 Summary and conclusion

Chapter 4 Microwave-assisted Rapid Preparation of One-dimensional Nanostructures Abstract
4.1 Microwave-assisted ionic liquid (MAIL) method
4.1.1 Preparation of elemental 1-D nanostructures
4.1.2 Preparation of 1-D nanostructures of metal oxides
4.1.3 Preparation of metal chalcogenide 1-D nanostructures
4.1.4 Preparation of nanostructures with other morphologies
4.2 Microwave-assisted polythiol reduction (MPTR) method
4.3 Microwave-assisted polyol method
4.4 Microwave-assisted polyol-water method
4.5 Microwave-assisted aqueous solution method

Chapter 5 Some Recent Developments in the Solution-Phase Synthesis of One-Dimensional Inorganic Nanostructures
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Coordination compounds: structural characteristics to direct anisotropic growth
5.2.1 Simple complexes
5.2.2 Linear coordination cluster compounds
5.2.3 Metal-polymer coordination chains
5.2.4 3-D coordination polymers
5.3 Surfactant-based systems: microreactors to confine anisotropic growth
5.3.1 Rod-like micelles
5.3.2 Inorganic-surfactant intercalated mesostructures
5.4 Etching and twinning: two contributions to induce anisotropic growth
5.4.1 Localized oxidative etching on single-crystal seeds
5.4.2 Twin defects to break cubic symmetry
5.5 Concluding remarks

Chapter 6 One-Dimensional Nanoscale Heterostructures
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Synthetic routes for 1 - D nanoscale heterostructures
6.2.1 Vapor phase methods
6.2.2 Solution methods
6.2.3 Lithography
6.2.4 Electrospinning
6.2.5 Template directed methods
6.3 Typical 1 - D nanoscale heterostructures
6.3.1 Co-axial nanowires
6.3.2 Segmented nanowires
6.4 Conclusion and remarks

Chapter 7 Bio Meets Nano: DNA-Based Synthesis and Assembly Toward One-Dimensional Nanostructures
7.1 Introduction
7.2 DNA templated electroless deposition for metallic nanowire fabrications
7.3 DNA directed assembly of nanoparticle linear arrays
7.3.1 DNA encoded one-dimensional array of gold nanoparticles
7.3.2 RCA facilitated assembly of long, sturdy and rigid DAEE array suitable for protein organization
7.4 One dimensional self-assembly on DNA-wrapped carbon nanotub
7.5 DNA nanotubes: constructions and functionalizations
7.6 Other examples of DNA-based one dimensional nanostructures
7.7 Outlook

Chapter 8 Soft Chemistry Routes to Synthesis of One-Dimensional Nanostructures and Their Properties
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Rare earth compound 1-D nanostructures
8.3 1-D nanostructures templated by organic additives
8.4 Biomimetic synthesis of 1-D nanostructures
8.5 Other functional 1-D nanostructured materials
8.6 The formation mechanism of 1-D nanostructures
8.7 Summary and outlook

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