Primitive Lycopsid Flora in the Yangtze Valley of China and Systematics and Evolution of Isoetales


Price: $15.00


Author: Meng Fansong
Language: Chinese with English summary
ISBN/ISSN: 7535730574
Published on: 2000-01

The Yangtze valley in this paper roughly includes the areas of eastern Sichuan, western
Hubei, northwestern Hunan, eastern Hubei, northern Jiangxi, southern Anhui and southern
Jiangsu Provinces. In recent some years, a Lycopsid flora, represented by Pleuromeia and An
nalepis, has been found from the Middle Triassic Series in this valley. Generally speaking, the
Middle Triassic floras are quite rare at home and abroad. This discovery of the flora, therefore
will be of important significances for supplying a gap of Triassic plant assemblages in South Ch
na,the phytogeographical regionalization and the correlation of the Middle Triassic floras in all
the world

I. Preface
II. Stratigraphical Brief Account
III. Sequence of the Middle Triassic Plant Assemblages
IV. Ecological Environments of Pleuromeia and Annalepis
V. Relations between Distributions of Pleuromeia and Annalepis and
Sea Level Changes
VI. Origin and Evolution of Pleuromeia and Annalepis
VII. Systematic Positions of Pleuromeia and Annalepis and Systematics
of Isoetales
VIII. Character of the Early-Middle Triassic Phytogeographic Province
of South China and Phytogeographical Provinces of China During
This times
IX. Mineralization of Lycopsida
X. Description of Fossil Plants
XI. Conclusions
Summary in English
Plates and Explanation of Plates

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