Language: English
Published on: 2001-01
The proceedings cover a wide range of research areas, including Computer-Aided Industrial Design, Computer -Aided Conceptual Design, Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Design and Conceptual Design et al.
(Section headings and selected papers)
1. Keynote Speech
(1) The high technology products development system for local economy, Pan Yunhe.
(2) Collaboration and P2P Computing, Y.V.Reddy.
(3) IT application and development in manufacturing, Yang Haicheng,
(4) Application of intelligent agents and internet/WEB technologies to engineering design, Shen Weiming.
(5) Design workstation of the future, John Frazer.
(6) The texas A & M university visualization sciences program, Frederic I. Parke.
2. Invited Papers
(1) A cooperative design system architecture for multidisciplinary design optimization, Hamada H. Ghenniwa, et al.
(2) A product modeling and assembly system based on ACIS, Tang Mingxi.
(3) An internet-based system of gear design optimization using java servlets, Su Saizhong et al.
(4) Conceptual design in the early design stage: from functions to structures, Wei Xiuting, et al.
(5) Network-enabled collaborative work: a healthcare system design concept, Sumitra M. Reddy, et al.
(6) Next generation immersive visualization, Frederic I. Parke.
(7) The crowd interface, Frederic I. Parke.
(8) The representation of design process based on data warehouse, Wang Qianping, Tang mingxi.
3. Computer-Aided Industrial Design
(1) A computer aided design model for one way traffic network planning and simulation, Fu Baibai, Feng Enmin.
4. Computer-Aided Conceptual Design
(1) A new conception-concurrent tolerance design based on computer aided conceptual design, Yang zhihong et al.
5. Artificial Intelligence in Design
(1) An approach for mobile agent reliable, Wang Hong et al.
6. Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design
(1) A collaborative Shared object model, Zhan Yongzhao, Song Shunlin.
7. Design Visualisation and Virtual Design
(1) A discussion on digitization of sensitization, Wang Yong, Nong Liyun,
8. New Methods for Improving Design
(1) A calculation method of software faults exposure ration, Gong Yunshan et al.
9. Cultural Studies and Education in Design
(1) Optimal message routing in computer communication networks, Zhang Sen.