Author: Wenhao Liang, Qiao Li and Bo Gao
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787564302368
Published on: 2010-01
Keynote Presentations and Invited Papers
Policy and Measures against Global Increase of Natural Disasters and
International Cooperation for Disaster Mitigation
Damaze Investigation of Girder Brid~es under Wenchuan Earthauake and Seismic Design Recommendations
Recent Developments in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for Transportation Facilities
Shake Table Experiment on Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Using E-Defense
Variabilities in the Earthquake Ground-motion Modelling - Source, Path and Site Effects, for Engineering Designs.
Rural Residential Seismic Resistance Practical Technology
Weathering Process of Rocks and Safety Measures against Slope Failures
Lessons We Learned from the Landslides Induced by the Wenchuan Earthquake and Its Application for the Future
Building Damage Due to 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and Cooperative Activities on
Damage Restoration by Japanese Experts
Discussions on Two Technical Problems for Aseismic Design of Retaining Structures Based on
Investigation of the Wenchuan Earthquake
The Research of Seismic Damage and Earthquake-Resistance Countermeasures of the Houses in Mianyang
Study on Safety Appraisement and Strengthening Technology of Masonry Structure Buildings
Damaged in Wenchuan Earthquake
Study on the Safety Appraisement Method and Strengthening Technology of "Shop-With-Home Style
Buildings Damaged in Wenchuan Earthquake
Development of T J-type Buckling-Restrained Braces and Application..
Numerical Analysis on Seismic Performance of RC Frame under Different Strengthening Schemes
Experimental Study on Confining Effect and Anti-Seismic Performance of Concrete-Filled Circular Steel Columns
Seismic Performance of RC Frames with Infill Walls
Model Updating of Earthquake-Excited Building Structures with Friction Dampers
Analysis of Earthquake Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of the New Structures
Seismic Evaluation of Concrete Buildings in China
The Influence of Lateral Stiffness Ratio on Transition Layer of Bottom Frame Structure
Elasto-plastic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall with Openings Using a Macro Model
Study of Dynamic Responses of T-joint Steel Tubular Under High Temoerature and Imoact Loading
Reinforced Concrete Short Columns
Seismic Assessment of RC Frames under Combined Horizontal and Vertical Excitations
Impulsive Waves in Earthquakes Measurement and Their Influence on Structures
Collapse Modes of Confined Masonry Buildings in the Wenchuan Earthquake
Experimental Investigation on Seismic Behavior of Interior Joints with Abrupt Reduction in Beam. and
Column Section
Evaluation on Earthquake-Induced Sudden Damage of Multistory Building Structures by
Using Wavelet Transform
The Influence of Staircase on the Structure Anti-Seismic Behavior.
Damage Nssessment of Reticulated Shell under Seismic Excitations by Using Empirical Mode Decomposition
Investigation on Damage to Structures under the Wenchuan Earthquake and the
Implications of Seismic Resisitant Design
Analysis on Seismic Damages of the School Buildings in the Wenchuan Earthquake and
Seismic Isolation Design Recommendation in the Important Buildings Reconstruction.
The Research of the Aseismic Structure of Rural Houses in Highly Seismic Region
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787564302368
Published on: 2010-01
Keynote Presentations and Invited Papers
Policy and Measures against Global Increase of Natural Disasters and
International Cooperation for Disaster Mitigation
Damaze Investigation of Girder Brid~es under Wenchuan Earthauake and Seismic Design Recommendations
Recent Developments in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for Transportation Facilities
Shake Table Experiment on Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Using E-Defense
Variabilities in the Earthquake Ground-motion Modelling - Source, Path and Site Effects, for Engineering Designs.
Rural Residential Seismic Resistance Practical Technology
Weathering Process of Rocks and Safety Measures against Slope Failures
Lessons We Learned from the Landslides Induced by the Wenchuan Earthquake and Its Application for the Future
Building Damage Due to 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and Cooperative Activities on
Damage Restoration by Japanese Experts
Discussions on Two Technical Problems for Aseismic Design of Retaining Structures Based on
Investigation of the Wenchuan Earthquake
The Research of Seismic Damage and Earthquake-Resistance Countermeasures of the Houses in Mianyang
Study on Safety Appraisement and Strengthening Technology of Masonry Structure Buildings
Damaged in Wenchuan Earthquake
Study on the Safety Appraisement Method and Strengthening Technology of "Shop-With-Home Style
Buildings Damaged in Wenchuan Earthquake
Development of T J-type Buckling-Restrained Braces and Application..
Numerical Analysis on Seismic Performance of RC Frame under Different Strengthening Schemes
Experimental Study on Confining Effect and Anti-Seismic Performance of Concrete-Filled Circular Steel Columns
Seismic Performance of RC Frames with Infill Walls
Model Updating of Earthquake-Excited Building Structures with Friction Dampers
Analysis of Earthquake Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of the New Structures
Seismic Evaluation of Concrete Buildings in China
The Influence of Lateral Stiffness Ratio on Transition Layer of Bottom Frame Structure
Elasto-plastic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall with Openings Using a Macro Model
Study of Dynamic Responses of T-joint Steel Tubular Under High Temoerature and Imoact Loading
Reinforced Concrete Short Columns
Seismic Assessment of RC Frames under Combined Horizontal and Vertical Excitations
Impulsive Waves in Earthquakes Measurement and Their Influence on Structures
Collapse Modes of Confined Masonry Buildings in the Wenchuan Earthquake
Experimental Investigation on Seismic Behavior of Interior Joints with Abrupt Reduction in Beam. and
Column Section
Evaluation on Earthquake-Induced Sudden Damage of Multistory Building Structures by
Using Wavelet Transform
The Influence of Staircase on the Structure Anti-Seismic Behavior.
Damage Nssessment of Reticulated Shell under Seismic Excitations by Using Empirical Mode Decomposition
Investigation on Damage to Structures under the Wenchuan Earthquake and the
Implications of Seismic Resisitant Design
Analysis on Seismic Damages of the School Buildings in the Wenchuan Earthquake and
Seismic Isolation Design Recommendation in the Important Buildings Reconstruction.
The Research of the Aseismic Structure of Rural Houses in Highly Seismic Region