Proceedings of the World Engineers’ Convention 2004 (8 Volumeset) - Environment Protection and Disaster Mitigation(vol.D)

Price: $66.00


Author: Editorial committee
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 750463929x
2004; Paperback;889*1194mm;657

   World Engineers'convention 2004 held in Shanghai , China on November 2, 2004
This collection have 8 volumes ,total price US$450
   Vol.A: Network Engineering and Information Society
   Vol.B : Biological Engineering and Health Care
   Vol.C: Transportation and Sustainable Mega-cities
   Vol.D :Environment Protection and Disaster Mitigation
   Vol.E: Agricultural Engineering and Food Security
   Vol.F-A : Resources and Energy
   Vol.F-B: Power and Energy
   Vol.G :Ecological Material and Green Manufacturing

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  1. Evaluation on chemical binders to reduce fugitive PM10 for exposure area
  2. Distribution of cadmium species in soils related to GAP of Sichuan produced Ligusticum Chuanxiong hort and glycine Max (L.) Merr, as potentional phystoremediation
  3. Study on the regeneration of waste lubricating oil by extraction – flocculation method
  4. Expermental research onthe combustion performance of micronized coal
  5. A theoretical solution to a key problem in the designing of low Nox pulverized – coal burners
  6. Sutdy of the production of poly from high aluminum – containing cement and its property
  7. Influence of sinter raw mix on sinter dust emissions at baosteel
  8. Research on simulation and structure optimizing of MSW compaction Device
  9. Difference between two-way-made activated carcons in microstructure and desulphurization capacity
  10. A study on the establishment of china’s system of environmental report
  11. Integrated treatment – optimum choice formunicipal solid waste
  12. A study on the character of heavy metals from municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash inchina
  13. Solid waste management in Japan
  14. Research on technology of plastic separating from domestic waste
  15. The living wastes sealed completely ,negative pressure ,attracting ,and concentration processing unit and systems


  1. Discussion of comprehensive appraising methods of regional environment
  2. The effects of plant species diversity on stability, hydrological processes ,aesthetic value, vegetation
  3. Technique for roof – turf establishment and management
  4. Typhoon disaster impacts on public safety of shanghai and its mitigation strategy
  5. The disappearance of the wetland on the periphery of hohhot having the influence and countermeasure on the ecological environment
  6. The plastic solution for built - indepth of pile with prestressing anchor in landslide
  7. A case study of debris flow mitigation of No.3 valley at shitou
  8. Case study of damage distribution in southern hyogo prefecture earthquake and application for Urban earthquake disaster prevention
  9. Ocean ice forecasting services for safety of maritime transport
  10. The forecast and warning of disastrous weather in china
  11. Ecological treatment technologies of urban rivers


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