Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 7030131150
Published on: 2004-01
Influence of Contamination on the Electrical Activity of Dislocations in Silicon
Light Degradation of B-doped P-type C-Si Solar Cells and Solutions
Investigation of Material and Properties of Solar Cell on Multicrystalline Silicon from SJTU
Rapid Thermal Processing in Silicon Solar Cell Manufacturing
Casting of Multicrystalline-Silicon
The fabrication and the Properties of One-dimension Silicon by Chemical-Vapor-Deposition(CVD)
Formation of Stacking Faults in Nitrogen Doped Silicon Single Crystals
Trend of Development for Chinese Photovoltaic Industry-Material
Enhanced Performance of Infrared Detectors and Solar Cells by Sige Nanostructures
Self-Organized Growth of Ge Quantum Dots by UHV/CVD
Si(113)-from Scientific Lab to Alternative Wafer Orientation
Growth of Semiconductor Crystals under the Equivalent Micro-gravity
Formation of Bipolar Structure in Thermally Treated P-type Czochralski Silicon Wafers
Advanced Growing Systems for Large Diameter Silicon Crystals
Influence of C on Ge Incorporation in the Growth of Si(1-x-y)Ge(x)C(y)alloys on Si(100)by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Device Applications of Strained SiGe Heterostructures
Recent Progress on Epitaxial Growth of Epi-silicon Wafers and Novel SOI Films
Positron Annihilation Studies of Open-volume Defects in Silicon
Effect of Nitrogen Doping on Grown-in Defects in Czochralski Silicon
Interaction of Hydrogen with Defects in Silicon
The Defects in Neutron Irradiated CZSi