Research on Bryophyte Diversity of the Intersection converge of Guizhou, Chongqing, Hunan and Hubei


Price: $53.00


Author: Xiong Yuanxin
Language: Chinese
ISBN/ISSN: 9787806626672
Published on: 2007-01

This region had not been investigated systematically. From 2004 to 2005, the authors and his companions made bryological survey for several times in this region and 12034 packages of bryophytes were collected from these specimens, 76 families, 267 genera and 1026 species(including subspecies and varieties)are identified. Among them, 2 species are first found in China. The text book is based on these 12034specimen, relative materials and anthor’s research. The main contents include 3portion:
1. Study on Bryophyte Diversity and Flora of S-W Hubei
This region had not been investigated systematically. From August to Suptember in 2005, the authors and his companions made bryological survey for several times in this region and 1876 packages of bryophytes were collected and 7 sites were made for the preliminary ecological investigation there. From these specimens, 61 families, 157genera and 388 species (including subspecies and varieties) are identified. Among them, 11families, 34genera and 208 species of bryophytes are first found in Hubei Province and 2 species are first found in China.
2. Study on Species Diversity of Bryophytes in the Southeast of Chongqing
This paper based on the 2130 specimens of bryophytes that collected in the Southeast of Chongqing, China. This region had not been investigated systematically. After this study, 62families, 159genera and 448species are identified, including 1newly genus—Hagenialla and 90newly species to Sichuan. In the same time, a endangered taxa of bryophyte is found——Trichocoleopsis tsinlingensis Chen ex.M.X.Zhang. There are 17 dominant families such as Hapnaceae with 10 or more than species, and there are 23 dominant genera with 6 or more than species. According to the study on dominant families and genera, it can be concluded that the bryophytes in he Southeast of Chongqing of China are temperate.
3. Study on Bryophytes Species Diversity and Bryophytes Flora of N-W Hunan, China
Taxonomic study on bryophytes of N-W Hunan has not been concluded until the author got there. In total of 1771 packages of specimens have been collected there, based on these specimens, 387species (subspecies and varieties are included)of 155genera in 65 families are identified, among which, 2 families, 16genera and 175 species are firstly reported for Hunan province. The author describes all the new recorded families and genera to Hunan, and takes photos of some species. Families contained no less than 10species are defined as predominant family, then here are 12 predominant families including 71 genera and 219 species in N-W Hunan, which formed the main body of bryophytes flora of this region. While genera contained no less than 5 species are defined as predominant genus, therefore, 22 genera with 166 species are confirmed, accounting for 14.19% of the total genera and 41.81% of the total 387species respectively. According to comprehensive evaluation of abundance, the author compares moss flora of N-W Hunan to that of other 11 regions, and Si index shows that moss flora of N-W Hunan is abundant, which ranked the forth after Dujiangyan, Mt.Jinfo and Mt.Jiuwan, while in terms of bryophytes flora, N-W Hunan champions all other 8 regions by its highest Si index.

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