Language: Chinese with English summary
ISBN/ISSN: 9787030347299
Published on: 2012-01
The Taining World Natural Heritage is o ne of the six China Danxia World Natural Heritage, is located at Northwest of Fujian, at southest side of the center-section of Wuyi Sierra , is the typical adolescence World Natural Heritage .In this region ,there are 92 associations that belong to 63 formations of 9 vegetation types , in which the the Danxia herb communities , the Danxia chaparal forests ,the Danxia gully evergreen broadleaved forests are the characteristic vegetations of Tainning World Natural Herritage .On the cliff , the drought enduring flourish ,in the cgully , the moisture tolerant flora grows well. There are 1412 species of vasular plants that belong to 645 genera of 212 families in this area, 380 species of vertebrates that belong to 105 families of 36 orders,1512 species of insect that belong to 232 families of 25 orders .A large number of wild animals and plants are preserved. It is one of small area with high biodiversity.
The Biodoversity of Tainning World Natural Heritage based on the systematically scientific investigation by the Tainning World Natural Heritage biodiversity , the vertebrate diversity and the insect diversity systematically , and highlights the community succession process of Taining World Natural Heritage ,the characteristic of fauna and flora .In the end ,fine photographs and distribution map of endangered and precious vegetations ,plants and animals were given.
Chapter 1 The Geology ,Landform and Soil Characteristic of Taining World Natural Heritage
Chapter 2 Vegetation Types and Their Characteristic of Taining World Natural Heritage
Chapter 3 Flora of Taining World Natural Heritage
Chapter 4 The Featured P;ants in Taining World Natural Heritage
Chapter 5 Rare and Endangered Plants in Taing World Natural Heritage
Chapter 6 Wild Plant Resources OF Taining World Natural Heritage
Chapter 7 Vertebrate Diversity
Chapter 8 Insect Diversity
Chapter 9 List of Vascular Plan in Taining World Natural Heritage
Chapter10 List of Vertebrate in Taining World Natural Heritage
Chapter11 List of Insect in Taining World Natural Heritage