The Flea Fauna of Xinjiang


Price: $37.00


Author: Yu Xin and Ye Rui-Yu
Language: Chinese with Latin name ang a brief English
Published on: 1990-01

The presnt work is the first monograph on xinjiang flea fauna. It was undertaken under the auspices of the Public Health Department, the Office Controling Endemic Diseases and the Institute for Endemic Disease Control and Research of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region during the yars 1985-1988. 181 species of subspecies belonging to 40 genera out of 7 families found in Xinjiang by the end of 1988 are described, including 6 new species or subspecies published in this work.
The monograph is divided into six parts. Part one is a general account of Siphonaptera with particular reference to Xinjiang. It consists of six chapters, namely, the history of flea researches, the morphology and antomy of fleas, the biology and ecology of fleas, the phylogeny and zoogeographical distribution of fleas, the relation of fleas to diseases and the surveys, specimen presvation and control of fleas.
In the chapter on morphology, the flea teratogeny, flea larval morphology and the studies on flea specimens of dorso-ventral posture are added with related illustrations and plates. It comprises 80 cases of flea teratogeny; the shape of egg burster of first instar larvae of 42 flea species , and the larval comparativ morphology of 21 flea species (21 genera, 6 families); and the pit numbers of 70 flea species (27 genera, 7 families). This is one of characters of the monograph.
In the chapter on zoogeographical distribution, according to the 8 landform units in Xinjiang (The Basin Desrt of Zhungeer, The Basin Desert of Talimu, Basins in Eastern Xinjiang, The Tianshan Mountains, Mountains which border on Mountains) the authors present the natural condition features, th flea fauna, th advantage species and the charactristic species of various units. It makes this work strong locality feature. Table 5 gives the fla names, their hosts and the type native haunts of 19 new species or subspecies found in Xinjiang since 1966.
The chapter on the relation of fleas to diseases with special reference to plague briefly presents the epidmic history of plague, important reservoir hosts in natural plague foci and the vector mechanism of fleas to plague. So far, 7 fomrs in Xinjiang fleas have been found naturally infected with Yersinia pestis through bacterial isolation, they are Oropsytla silantietwi, Callopsylla (Callopsylla) dolabris, Rhadinopsylla (Ralipsylla) li ventricosa, Citellophilus tesquorum deztysuensis, Frontopsylla (Frontopsylla) latoides elatoides, Neopsylla mana and Pulex irritans.
Part two embodies a systematic account of Siphonatera of Xinjiang which is the main and largest part of this work. It contains the detailed descriptions of the various taxa with keys and illustrations. The original references are given under the new species or subspecies found in Xinjiang. In addition to morphology descriptions, the related biology, ecology and medical significance of fleas are given if the information is adequate.
Part three is a brief resum of this work and concludd with the summaries of 6 new species or subspecies in the English text so as to exchinge with foreign experts, where their corresponding Chinese descriptions are disposed in the systematic account of the Chinese text. All related illustrations of part two are indicated in Latin names and Chinese captions.
Part four comprises three appendixes as following: (1) an over-all table of the zoogeographical distribution of the Xinjiang fleas arranged according to their systematic position; (2) a list of corresponding Chinese and Latin names of the Xinjiang flea taxa; (3) a list of corresponding Chinese and Latin names of the Xinjiang host animals.
Part five is devoted to literature cited and arrangnd in Chinese , English and Russian texts.
Part six contains indexes to Chinese and Latin names including all taxa of Xinjiang fleas in this work.
After this work was completed, 4 flea species or subspecies were successively collected and identified. They are Rhadinopsylla (Ralipsylla) social Wagner, 1930, Frontopsylla (Mafrontia) macrophthalma (Jordan et Rothschild, 1915), Nosopsyllus (Gerbillophilus) laevicps acer Mikulin, 1957 and Nosopsyllus (Gerbillophilus) laeviceps ellobii (Wagner, 1933), the first three forms are new records in China. These fleas are described with related illustrations in postscript of this work.
There are relative plates of above-mentioned 19 new species or snbspecies and of the chapter on morphology at the end of this monograph.

1. Pulicoida
2. Pulicida
3. Ceratophylloidea
4. Coptopsyllidae
5. Verminpsyllidae
6. Hystrichopsyllidae
7. Ischnopsyllidae
8. Leptopsyllidae
9. Ceratophyllidae

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