The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor


Price: $34.00


Author: Zhu Ming
Language: English
Published on: 2001-01

The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di Nei Jing) is the oldest extant classic of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Compiled roughly two thousand years ago this great masterpiece forms the theoretical basis of (TCM). Compiled roughly two thousand years age, this great masterpiece forms the theoretical basis of TCM. As TCM's history developed over the millennia, nearly all significant medical works benefited from the enlightenment of this unparalleled book. Covering not only medicine but also philosophy, sociology, anthropology, military strategy, mathematics, astronomy, meteorology, ecology. The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor demonstrates that even in ancient times, people accomplished scientific achievements that are applicable, relevant, and innovative even in modern times.

1. Introduction to the Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor
2. Theory of Yin-Yang and Theory of the Five Elements
3. Theory of Zang-Organs and Manifestations
4. Theory of Channels and Network-Channels
5. Theory of Pathogens and Pathomechanisms
6. Diseases and Symptoms
7. Diagnostic methods
8. Therapeutic Principles and Methods
9. Theory of Health Preservation
10. Appendix

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