Language: Chinese and English bilingual
ISBN/ISSN: 703008425x
Published on: 2000-01
Onwards 21st Century’s Kiwifruit Industry (Preface)
Recent Change in the New Zealand Kiwifruit Industry
Kiwifruit Culture in Italy: Industry Development and Trends in Research
Kiwifruit (Acitinidia) in chile: Present Situation and Trends
Kiwifruit Production: Its Progress, Challenge and Solution-strategy around the Turn of the Century in China
Kiwifruit Production and Current Research Activities in Greece
Kiwifruit Production and Research in Korea
Industrialization of Kiwifruit (Actinidia Lindl.) in New Zealand and Strategy for New Novel Kiwifruit Cultivars Development
Genetic Diversity in Genus Actinidia
On the Phylogeny of the Genus Actinidia Lindley
The Collection and Conservation of Germplasm of Genus Actinidia
Conservation Strategies on Species Diversity of Actinidia in the 21st Century