Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787308175197
Published on: 2018-05
Soft Cover
Filling the Gap Between the Cambrian Explosion and the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE): Proceedings of the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Project 653 Annual Meeting (October 8th-12th, 2017, Yichang, China)本书是国际地学计划IGCP 653项目(题目:奥陶纪生物大辐射事件的启动过程,2016-2020)2017年度国际会议(湖北宜昌)的论文摘要和短篇论文集。全书为英文。每篇论文限4个印刷页长(含图、参考文献)。 IGCP 653项目主要开展针对奥陶纪生物大辐射事件启动过程和触发机制的国际合作研究与交流活动。奥陶纪生物大辐射是显生宙以来的一次重大生物辐射事件,该事件彻底改变了寒武纪初形成的海洋生物群落格局和食物网结构,首次建立了现代的、具有高度复杂性的海洋生物群落结构和稳定的海洋生态系统。尽管世界各国学者对该事件的规模、影响和重要性已有初步共识,但对其启动过程和触发机制所知甚少。为此,IGCP 653项目集结全球相关的古生物学、沉积学、地层学、地球化学、气候模型、古海洋学、古气候学等学科的国际专家学者,共同探讨该重大生物环境事件的启动机制和早期过程。
Part 1 Exteaded Summaries
The Precise Age of the Fezouata Lagerstiitte, Lower Ordovician, Morocco
The Post-Extinction Anji Biota (Zhejiang, China) and a Wider Hirnantian Sponge Mega-Community
Geographic Disparity of Graptolite Faunas During the Late Katian Biodiversification Event
Melanosclerites: A Special Kind of Paleozoic Microfossil and New Discoveries in China
Rusophycus carleyi on the Edge of the Siberian Platform
Geochemical Evidence for Ordovician Oxygenation: Another Driver of the ‘Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event'
Cephalopod Palaeobiogeography in Northeastern Peri-Gondwana During the Middle-Late Ordovician
Early Evolution of Nautiloid Faunas Through the Cambrian-Ordovician Transition: A General Overview
Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Protoconites from the Lower Cambrian Yanjiahe Formation, Yichang, Hubei, China
Ecology, Biofacies, Biogeography and Systematics of Micromorphic Lingulate Brachiopods from the Ordovician (Darriwilian to Sandbian) of South-Central China
A High-Performance Parallel CONOP Program Based on a Hybrid Strategy of Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm
Ecological Gradient of a Brachiopod Fauna from South China after the End-Ordovician Mass Extinction and Its Significance
Integrated Conodont Biostratigraphy and Carbon Chemostratigraphy of the Upper Ordovician Shiyanhe Formation at the Sigang Section, Neixiang, Henan, Central China
Keratose-like Sponges in Lower Paleozoic Successions and Their Implications for Paleoecology and Carbonate Sedimentology
Part 2 Guides for Mid-and Post-Conference Field Trips
Appendix: Conference Programme
Authors Index