ISBN/ISSN: 9787561234419
Published on: 2016-08
Soft Cover
Session A.Turbomachinery,Internal Flow and Acoustics
The Numerical Simulation of Sand Trajectory in Fan Air Flow Channel of Turbo-fan Engine
Effects of Adverse Pressure Gradient on the Maximum Values of Reynolds Stresses in a
Turbulent Boundary Layer MA Wei,Ottavy Xavier,LU Li-peng,Leboeuf Francis (24)
Prediction and Analysis of Distortion Inlet on Compressor Performance and Stability Using Three Dimensional Model
Numerical Investigations on the Leakage Flow and Rotordynamic Characteristics of Labyrinth Seal
Study of Small Flow Rate High Pressure Ratio Backswept Impeller Design
A Model for Concentrated Vortices and an Unsteady Wake Model for Turbine
Study on Counter-Flow Thrust Vecotring Nozzle Jet Attachment and Control
Numerical Study of Cascade Self Noise
The Influence of Axial Turbine Element Stage Stator/Rotor Axial Spacing on Flow Status and Performance
Experimental Investigation of Novel Casing Treatment with Bias Flow
Application and Optimization of Non-Axisymmetric End Wall in a High Pressure Turbine
Minimizing Secondary Flow Losses in a High Pressure Turbine with Nonaxisymmetric Endwall
Theoretical and Numerical Investigation of the Hydrodynamic Stability of the Planar Taylor-Culick Flow
Experimental Investigation of Axial Velocity Density Ratio in Large Camber Compressor Cascade
Optimization of Multi-Stage Axial Compressor Based on Stochastic Ranking Differential Evolution Algorithm
PIV Investigation of Secondary Flows in a Low-Speed Axial Compressor Rotor Passage
Performance Improvement of a Degraded Heavy Duty Gas Turbine Using CFD Design Tools
Research of Coaxial Gas Ejector
Numerical Research of the Best Depth and Location of the Circumferential Groove of Subsonic
Numerical Simulation of Turbine Performance with Low Reynolds Number at High Altitude
Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Separated Flow in a Linear Compressor Cascade
A Numerical Study of Active Flow Control for Low Pressure Turbine Blades
Influence of Turbulence Modeling on the Secondary Flow Predicition
2D Euler-Based Inverse Method.Development,Verification and Application
Session B:Heat and Mass Transfer
20 Years of Experiences f0r the Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis 0f Convection-cooled Turbine Vanes
Industrial Applications of Heat Transfer Enhancement.Review and Problem
Heat Tranvafer Augmentation Technol Ogies for Internal Cooling of Turbine Components of Gas Turbine Engines
Thermodynamics Characteristic of the Flow and Heat Transfer in Rotating Cavity
Session C:Multiphase Flows,Reacting Flows and Combustion
Session D:Advanced Materials,Structural Strength,Vibration and Reliability
Session E:Propulsion Engine Design,Control and Health Management
Session F:Other Topics Related to Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering