Modern Theory and Practice on Bridge Wind Resistance


Price: $48.00


Author: Xiang Haifan et. al
Language: Chinese
ISBN/ISSN: 7114058217
Published on: 2005-01

The book is the full summary of achievements of the major scientific research projects of the state s Ninth Five-Year Plan and results achieved by the author in the research of bridge wind resistance in recent years. The book has a total of 12 chapters, with contents including Introduction; Characteristic of Wind at Near-Earth Boundary Layer and Wind Tunnel Simulation Technology; Elaboration of Bridge Wind Vibration Theory; Identification of Pneumatic Parameters of Bridge Components; Rain-Wind Induced Vibration of Cable of Cable-Stayed Bridge and its Control; Bridge Flutter Mechanism and Pneumatic Control Measures; Probability Appraisal and Reliability Analysis of Bridge Wind Vibration; CFD Technology and its Application in Numerical Simulation of Bridge Aeroelasticity; Analysis of Buffeting Response of Bridge under Yawed Wind and Study of Real Measurement Case; the Theory of Bridge Equivalent Wind Load; Aerostatic Stability of Large-Span Bridge; Summary and Outlook.

The book can be of use for bridge researchers, designers and builders, and it can also be used as teaching and reference material for senior undergraduates and postgraduates of higher learning institutes

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