Space Exploration for the 21st Century – Proceedings of the 11th International Space Conference of Pacific –basin Societies

Price: $116.00


Author: Chinese Society of Astronautics
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787802183742
Published on: 2014-08

Space Exploration for the 21st Century – Proceedings of the 11th International Space Conference of Pacific –basin Societies. Organized by Chinese Society of Astronautics and American Astronautical Society and Japanese Rocket Society , Beijing 2007

National and International Space Program
Contributions to Space Exploration: Global Objectives, Plans and Capabilities
International students Conference and Competition
Application of Sparse Observations from Space-based Radar in Orbit Determination
The Identification of Aluminum’s Johnson-Cook Model under Hypervelocity Impact Conditions
Influence of Chamber Structure’s Axial Vibration On Internal Ballisitics of Solid Rocket Motor
Improved FOA/TOA Estimation in Cospas-sarsat MEOSAR System
Grain Design,Performance Prediction and Optimization of Star Configuration for SRM
Attitude Satbilization Control of Underactuated Flexible Spacecraft.
Astrodynamics , Guidance and Control(Including space robotics and Ground Operations
Control and Simulation of Precise Tracking-pointing Hexapod
An Ant colony Algorithm for the Correction of Lambert Orbital Transfer
New Suboptimal Control Design for Reentry Phase of Reusable Launch Vehicle
Continuous-thrust Trajectory Optimization in Near-earth Space Robot System
The Precise Resarch on Stellar Horizon Atmospheric Refraction Model
Satellite Communications, Broadcasting and T T & C
Discussion on the Telemetry Technologies Development of Launch Vehicle
Doppler-delay Calibration of Uplink Arrays Via Far-field “Moon-Bounce” Power Maximization
Spacecraft TT&C Ship Hull Deformation Measuring and Data Processing Methods
TDRSS Based Launch Vehicle Telemetry System Research
A Novel Multi-beam Array Antenna for Tracking Formation Satellites
The Implementation of Pure Sine Wave Ranging System with Method of Spectrum Spread Ranging
Research and application of digital Coherent Turnaround Technology Based on Software Architecture.
Satellite Remote Sensing, Meteorology, Small Satellite Systems/Constellations, etc.
The Application of CBERS Data in Disaster Monitoring
Quick On-orbit Demonstration of New Space Technology Using University of Tokyo’s Pico-class Small Satellite”XI_V”
Coordination Control for a Space – based Telescope with Multiple Wave-front Correctors
Detection of Rice Paddy Fields in the Indo-Chinese Peninsula Using Time Serial MODIS Data
TCP/IP Protocol on Small Satellites Space-to-Earth Communication
The Study of Video Image Processing for Small Satellites Formation Flying Experiment
Nanosatellite Mission for Demonstrating Formation Keeping Technology with Aerodynamic Drag
Human Space Flight, Space Station and Pacific Space Port (Including Lunar Research and Exploration )
Consideration of Commercial Manned Space Vehicles from the Aspects of Amenities, Style and Comfort
Research of Quality Control of Propellant Loading and Final Assembly of SRM and the Head Propulsion Device of the Escape System
Materials and Stuctures
Effect of Prepolymer Molecular Weight on Thermo-oxidative Stability of Bismaleimides
Performance Analysis of Welded Bellows in Cryogenic Environment
Study on Thiol-vinyl Silizane Cured by UV and Its Pyrolysis Behaviors
Space Transportation and Propulsion
Conceptual Investigation for a LOX/Methane/H2 Dual Fuel Dual Mode Rocket Engine
Investigation of Thermal Environment and Thermal Insulating Technologies for Space Engines
Analysis of Static Parameters for Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle Engine System
Micro-gravity Sciences (Including Space Debris and Environment ) and Life Science
Experimentally Study of Flame Properties near Flammability Limits under Gravity and Microgravity Conditions
The application Study on PIC Numerical Simulation of Surface Charging of Solar Array
Study on Internal Charging of GEO Satellite by Computer Simulation
Moon, Mars, and Robotic Exploration
A Study of Sanding Gear for soil Bin Test
Stidy on Cislunar Low Energy Transfer Trajectory Design Based on Niche Simulated Annealing Genetic algoritm
Robotic Lunar Landers in the Context of the Vision for Space Exploration-use Cases and Commonality Options
Research of Real-use Cases and Commonality Options
Research of Real-time Database in Lunar Rover

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