The Directory of Famous Gardens of the Southern Lower Yangtze River


Price: $29.00


Author: Shao Zhong
Language: In Chinese with English abstract
ISBN/ISSN: 7503837055
Published on: 2005-01

The gardening of the southern Lower Yangtze River has its very long development history. It commenced in the period of Spring and Autumn, further development in Jin Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, flourished in Southern and Northern Dynasties, and was in full blossom during Ming dynasty and Qing Dynasty. It is of great historical, cultural, artistic and scientific values, therefore
, represent most specific tourist resource in the entire southern lower Yangtze river Basin .the landscape created in such gardens has combined reality with unreality and integrated architectural, natural and human aesthetics, thus formed a harmony world of human with nature
The artistic effect of “ human made, look like naturally created’ has been realized that “ Staying in city one enjoys natural splendor of forest and spring ,”

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