Acta Zoologica Sinica (Vol.54, No.5,2008)

动物学报 第54卷 第5期

Price: $24.00


Author: China Zoological Society and Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Science
Language: Chinese with English summary
ISBN/ISSN: 00017302
Published on: 2008-01

Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
1. Genetic structure and subspecies divergence of wild boars Sus scrofa in mainland China based on the microsatellite variation analysis
2. Population survey and genetic diversity of snow leopards Panthera uncia as revealed by fecal DNA
3. Population genetic divergence and migration pattern of the Saunders's gull Larus saundersi
4. Seasonal changes in thermogenic properties of liver and muscle in tree sparrows Passer montanus
5. Spawning ecology of the anchovy Engraulis japonicus in the spawning ground of the Southern Shandong PeninsulaⅠ. Abundance and distribution characters of anchovy eggs and larvae
6. Analysis of parentage between male Pelteobagrus fulvidraco and guarded fertilized eggs
7. Genetic variation and phylogeography of Micronoemacheilus pulcher populations among drainage systems between western South China and Hainan Island
8. Phylogenetic analysis of ten species of five genera of Buccinidae from the Chinese coast based on 28S rRNA gene

Physiology and Bi ochemistry, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology
9. Comparison of nutritive components of Exopalaemon annandalei and Macrobrachium nipponensis collected from the Yangtze Estuary
10. Distribution of NPY, SP, CGRP in rat thyroid and change under condition of acute experimental hyperthyroidism(In English)
11. Effects of Dexamethasone on the proliferation and apoptosis of swine kidney fibroblast induced by TRAIL
12. Molecular mechanisms of the killing effects on Ehrlich ascites tumor cells by sono-chemical-activated protoporphyrin Ⅸ
13. Differentiation of chicken embryonic germ cells into neural stem cells in vitro
14. Inhibition of BmE-SWU1 cell apoptosis by silkworm hemolymph
15. Effects of Bisphenol A on apoptosis of spermatogenic cells and expression of Bax and Bcl-2 proteins in the Siberian frog Rana chensinensis
16. Dynamic expression of Furin and PC7 at the maternal-fetal interface and their roles in adhesion and outgrowth of mouse embryos
17. Changes in intracellular Ca2+ cf sperm fore-and-aft acrosome reaction in the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus
18. Subcellur location of bovine Sry and its regulation on Sox9 expression
19. Construction of eukaryotic expression vector carrying canine β-defensin-1 gene and its expression in HEK293T cells
20. Cloning and expression of mLIF and the effects of mLIF on maintaining chicken primordial germ cells in the undifferentiated state
21. MHC-DAB allele polymorphism in Japanese flounders Paralichthys olivaceus

Morphology and Anatomy
22. Structure and composition of the spider Argiope amoena egg case
23. Cross-species amplification of microsatellite loci in the cyprinid fish, Labeo calbasu (Hamilton, 1822)(In English)

Methods and Viewpoints
24. An efficient immunofluorescence double-staining assay for identifying the quality of mouse blastocysts

25. Time-place learning in the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss(In English)

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