Eocene Fossil Diptera Insect in Amber of Fushun Coalfield


Price: $37.00


Author: Hong Youchong
Language: Chinese and English bilingual
1981; Paperback;185x260mm;166 pages +27 plates

The fossil Diptera (Insecta) described in this paper were collected from the Eocene amber in the main coal beds of the Guchengzi Formation in the fushun coalfield, Liaoning Provience. They contain 44 species among which are included 8 new genera and 41 new species and 2 new subspecies.

Table of Contents

2. Stratigraphy
3. The characterics of fossil insect amsemblages
4. Morphology of fossil insects and its systematic significance
5. Systematical descreption
(1) Tipulomorpha
(2) Bibionomorpha
(3) Asilonomorpha
(4) Phoronomorpha
(5) Myiomorpha
6. References
7. Glossary of morphologic terms
8. Index to gnera and species in the paper
9. Plates (withexplanation of plates 1-29)
10. Abstract


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