Memoirs of Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Paleoanthropology Academia Sinica No.18

中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所集刊 第18号

Price: $29.00


Author: Pei Wenzhong & Han Defen
Language: Chinese with English summary
Published on: 1987-01

This book has two papers.


I. Carnivora, Proboscidea and Rodentia from Liucheng Gigantopithecus Cave and Other Caves in Guangxi
In the present Memoir, the author has described 28 forms of Quaternary fossils of the order Carnivora collected in the years 1956-1961 from about 80 caves in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, including one cave of Early Pleistocene (No.5704, the Liucheng Gigantopithecus Cave), one of Neolithic age (No. 5619) and all others of Middle and Late Pleistocene. These 28 forms comprise 7 families and 14 genera. Twenty of them have their specific names determined, while eight are not identified. And there are also 2 forms whose generic names are doubtful or indeterminable.
This paper described Carnivora 7 families, 12 species, Proboscidea 3 families, 6 species and Rodentia 2 familes, 4 species.
II. Artiodactyla Fossils from Liucheng Gigantopithecus Cave in Guangxi
The present paper deals with the Artiodactyla fossils from Gigantopithecus Cave in Liucheng County, Guangxi. They consist of the following taxa.
Suidae Graym, 1821
Dicoryphochoerus ultimus (sp.nov); Potamochoerus nodosarius (sp.nov); Susxiaozhu Han, Xu et Yi; Sus liuchengensis (sp.nov) ; Sus australis (sp.nov) ; Sus peii (sp.nov); Suidae sp. Indet.1 ; Suidae sp. Indet.2.
Tragulidae Milne-Edwards, 1864
Dorcabune liuchengense Han
Cervidae Gray, 1821
Muntiacus lacustris Teihard et Trassaert ; Cervavitus fenqii (sp.nov) ; Cervus (Rusa) yunnanensis Lin, Pan et Lu Bovidae Gray, 1821
Megalovis Guangxiensis (sp.nov) ; Bibos sp. Caprinae gen. et sp. Indet.1; Caprinae gen. et sp. Indet. 2.

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