Pictorial Handbook of Economic Forest Trees in China with Emphasis on Their Specialized Products


Price: $57.00


Author: He Fang
Language: Chinese and English bilingual
2000; Hardcover;185x260mm;143

This handbook is divided into two parts. Part one is a generalof conomic forest crops in China, including the history of cultivation and utilization, resourc conditions, currnt production status, development orientations and extension of improved varieties. A national cultural division of these crops is also included in this part with nine climatic zones comprising one alpine cold rgion and eight dry moist regions falling into 50 subregions and 40 growing areas assigned. Part two introduces the readers to the carefully selected economic forest crops grown and utilized in China. Sixty-one trees and shrubs are included for their valuabl specialized products as fruit and nut, oil, spice, beverage, medicine, industrial raw material and vegetale. The species, described in terms of botanical characteristics, biological features, distribution and product utility and furnished with color pictures, are arranged in sections according to their product kind. The handbook is provided with a skeletal translation in English for the convenience of international exchange and is a good reference book for these engaged in forestry science and technology.

Table of Contents


1. Dry and Fresh Fruit Crops
2. Oil Crops
3. Spice Crops
4. Beverage Crops
5. Medicinal Crops
6. Material Crops
7. Vegetable Crops


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