Pictorial Handbook of Rare and Precious Insects

Price: $70.00


Author: Chen Shuchun
Language: Chinese and English bilingual
Published on: 1999-01

China has a vast territory with complicated natural environment and rich biological resources and she is one of the richest countries in insect fauna in the world. It is estimated that she harbours about 150 thousand insect species.This Handbook is the first comprehensive and systematic work on rare and precious insects in China, including 26 orders, 216 families, 384 genera and 415 species, as well as information on their morphology, bionomics, behavior and requirement of habitat. It portrays the artistic and interestion features of insects with attractive pictures and concise explanations. The compilation of this Handbook embodies the collective wisdom and joint efforts of more than 50 experts, professors and scientific workers. In the course of preparation it enjoyed the support and assistance from governmental leaders at various levels and more than 20 research and educational institutions

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